Austrian Wild Goose Gathering

26 - 29 Sep 2024
Beloved Friends,

also this Autumn there will be an Austrian Wild Goose Gathering in the Baum to which the Austrian Sangha is inviting. Below you will find their invitation letter.
The meetings there are always a very special treat.

Love, the OneLife Team

Reality is simply there to be ex


to be seen,

in all its purity and all its beauty

and all its godliness.

And to experience it in this way

is to be pure, is to be innocent, is to be godly,

is to be at one again with everything around oneself.  

Michael Barnett

At  the end of summer let us come together to experience just this, what is there in the moment, to invite it, to touch it, to feel it, to melt with it, to be with it as totally as we can.
And when we find the oneness with everything around, and the purity and the beauty, then it is time to celebrate.

For information and booking please contact Sandipa at

The venue takes place at:
Der Baum Seminar Center 
Am Inslingbach 17 
4565 Inzersdorf im Kremstal

Information about times, rooms, and prices will be sent upon registration.

With great anticipation

Sandipa & Anuradha, for the Austrian Goosefield