The Secret Teachings of Michael Barnett

The Secret Teachings of Michael Barnett


Talks from the 2013/14 Winter Festival

Volume one in ‘The Festival Talks Series’

with Energy Drawings by Michael Barnett



Talks from the 2013/14 Winter Festival

Volume one in 'The Festival Talks Series'

with Energy Drawings by Michael Barnett

Some quotes:

"Can you look beyond what you take to be yourself?
The one you take to be yourself, my friends, is not yourself. Tough to take - but it's true. The self you think you are is not who you are.
Who are you, if you're not that? Big question. Great answer."

"If you ask Zen people what the work is about, what the Zen process is about, you're likely to get the answer that the work is about 'waking up'.
Now that says everything, yet at the same time it doesn't say anything - what does it mean to wake up from ordinary life? And the person who is asking the question, "What does it mean to wake up?" is in a dream.
But we don't consider that possibility, so the question of how to wake up is just part of the dream. The dreamer is asking the question but doesn't realise that he or she is in the dream."

"Who you take yourself to be is not you.
And when I say that, I say it to the whole world: What you take yourself to be is not really you. It is the hero or heroine of a dream.
You are the hero or heroine of a dream but that is not you. It is not really who you are."

"The Divine is timeless. It's always the same, it never changes. It is original, it's the source from which everything comes - and the source doesn't change.
But as soon as the energy that comes from the source hits the human world - or not only the human world, all life - then it breaks up, and it enters each person and each living thing in a different way.
And then time comes. That's the birth of time."

"So to complain is a very inferior reaction, a very limited reaction - a very ignorant reaction.
You have misunderstood if you complain, you have misunderstood the way things work.
And each time you say Yes to what comes, you expand."



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