Michael Barnett

His Work
The most powerful way to connect with Michael´s Teaching was by being in his presence, by tuning in to him and and resonating with his energy.
The space he worked from showed a clear cosmic connection.
Michael lived in Denzlingen, Germany, which was his base for advanced courses and trainings. He offered seminars throughout Europe and the world.
Through his unique energy work and his talks he invited us to become ever more aware of our connection with the Universal Source, which is our own true nature.
His Energy Work
Michael Barnett was a pioneer of energy work.
Using his natural gifts, he began exploring a way, in the early 1970s, to develop a unique form of energy work that invites everyone who comes to his seminars to resonate with the subtle energies which are always available in and all around us.
As we become more aware of the cosmic energy that is our Source – the Source of all that is – our lives are enriched on every level, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
The more we connect consciously with these fine energies, the more we discover the truth about who we are, and the more awake and fully alive we become.

His Teaching
Michael Barnett’s teaching was characterized above all by his ability to tune in to each individual person who came to his seminars and allowed the Universal Energy to flow through him in the way each person can best receive it.
His seminars included individual energy work as well as group processes, personal inner exploration, heart-centred music, movement, deep silence, fun and laughter, insightful talks, question/answer periods when each question receives a response based on what best meets that questioner’s individual needs at the moment, and, always, the dynamic of his simple presence.
His Life
Born and raised in London, UK, Michael graduated from Cambridge University in Maths and Law. He was a highly successful businessman for a while, then a world traveller. Returning to London, he set up the lay movement known as "People Not Psychiatry" and established his own growth centre, “Community.”
In 1974, he became a disciple of the Indian teacher Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), and made a name for himself as leader of intensive seminars in Poona and other Rajneesh centres around the world. In 1982, he left this movement and started attracting students who formed a community which became known as The Wild Goose Company.
His way led him and his community from Zurich to Lago Maggiore in Italy, to southwestern France, where a large community project was developed. In this community people from five continents lived and worked together.

More recently, Michael, his wife Mishka and their family moved to Denzlingen, near Freiburg, Germany, where Michael Barnett OneLife was born – the name for his worldwide activities.
Michael has written over 40 books in English, many of which have been translated into several other languages, as well as some books which appear only in foreign language versions.
Apart from his creativity as teacher, Michael Barnett was a man with varied interests and facets: he was a passionate family father, soccer fan, car enthusiast, reader of many books, wine connoisseur, and most of all, simply one of us.
It was his mere presence, his authenticity, his living in the Here and Now, his humour and his clarity which everyone who came in contact with him still appreciates and remembers with great gratitiude.
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