Darshan 28.08.2019
A letter to the Energy Field These are some words that Michael spoke in Darshan to the House Team on Wednesdays, the 28th of August 2019, which he wants to share with all of you: So this man, Bhagwan Osho, died twenty-nine years ago, and the place where he did [...]
The Laughing Buddhas :: A BLOG
The Laughing Buddhas OPT8 FIRST LEG :: A BLOG 6-11/8/19 Abava & Tiago write this: After an outstanding Summer Festival, The Laughing Buddhas made their way to UNACHO for the start of OPT8. Michael launched the week with a great talk called, At the Centre of the Universe Moving Towards [...]
Summer Festival :: A Blog
FLOWERS OF LOVE SUMMER FESTIVAL :: A BLOG 31/7 - 4/8 '19 We were 80, including staff (Mishka, Tiago, Akali and I), the most for many a year...Of course back in the late Eighties and early Nineties for the SF & WF we would get twice that number and sometimes [...]
OPT7 :: A Blog
THE LAMPLIGHTERS - END GAME! OPT7 :: A BLOG 20-26/7/19 Abava writes: We were just reading your poem for the Lamplighters - as usual it was spot on and it all came true: Burn your candle bright, Protect it through the night, And then let your light leap To all [...]
Vienna Seminar :: A Blog
DYNAMIC STILLNESS MOVING AROUND VIENNA :: A BLOG 5-7/7/19 We were a remarkable collectivity group of 40, participants from the Eighties, Nineties, Zeros and so on and even a sannyasin who was with me in my own sannyasin days in Brussels in the very early Eighties, amongst them old friends [...]
So we've lost Saranda. In life anyway. On Saturday 29/6 I got this mail from Sarvasati: This night, Saranda left this world.
Trees & Rivers :: A Blog
TREES & RIVERS :: A BLOG 21-23/6/19 Here we were, for this last installment, at home here in UNACHO. Missing, unfortunately, was Saranda, so ill now that she can barely stand, let alone travel to join us here. We missed her - and I certainly did! - and somehow still [...]
Solothurn Seminar :: A Blog
THE COSMIC INTERIOR SOLOTHURN :: A BLOG 14-16/6/19 What to discover there? That all things are not what they seem. That all things reflect true being, behind the scenes - a cosmic play of energy in every cell of life, including your own. A dance. And you are the dance. That [...]
The 25th Rainbow/One Spirit Festival :: A Blog
THE 25TH RAINBOW/ONE SPIRIT FESTIVAL :: A BLOG SUNDAY 9/6/19 My 22nd or so. After years in Baden-Baden, then shortly in Munich and then Karlsruhe, this annual festival now takes place in Freudenstadt, up the A5 and then a long winding road up into the Black Forest, with a spectacular [...]
Seminar in Corfu :: A Blog
THE CUP RUNNETH OVER 7 DAY SEMINAR IN CORFU :: A BLOG 25/5-1/62019. I love this island. Here, nature shines. A lot of spiritual work goes on here too - especially in the area we again were - Arillas, exactly on the coast. I kept meeting people from 'the past' [...]
Seminar in Bath :: A Blog
THE EAGLE HAS LANDED SEMINAR IN BATH, ENGLAND :: A BLOG 17-19 MAY 2019. Ah! England! There is something there for me which exists nowhere else in the world. Perhaps not surprisingly. A completion, an embrace with the [...]
Copenhagen Seminar :: A Blog
THE INNER REVOLUTION SEMINAR IN COPENHAGEN :: A BLOG 10-12/5/19 The first - Friday - evening we were all pulled into the South Pole of silence and stillness like never before, anywhere. The whole of Saturday morning there was Deep Energy Surgery (Tiago's description) for everybody. What kept running through [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A Blog
FROM THE OTHER SHORE SEMINAR IN BERLIN :: A BLOG 26-28/4/19 For the first time, after a host of other places over many years, we found ourselves at the Buddhist Centre there in Berlin, a very impressive place, we were given a huge room, with a giant golden Buddha at [...]
Easter Festival :: A Blog
LEAVING THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT EASTER FESTIVAL AT UNACHO :: A BLOG 19-22/4/19 I really enjoyed my time here over Easter with those who came to join us, on the Easter Festival, over these historically momentous days. In some ways it was all a bit weird - I was [...]
Portovenere Weekend Seminar :: A Blog
STEPS TO INFINITY PORTOVENERE, ITALY, WEEKEND SEMINAR :: A BLOG 5-7/4/19 Portovenere, such a beautiful old village, by the sea, always a delight to spend our time there, this time though, a little drawback, the weather was somewhat colder than usual, rather spoiling it for me on our breaks and [...]
Belgium Weekend Seminar :: A Blog
THE RIVER RUNS THROUGH YOU 29-31/3/19 I didn't really do this group. The cosmos did. I was a sort of participant too. So we didn't do together much of the usual things - no meditations, no talks whatsoever, hardly a word spoken during this time together, except for Q&A at [...]
Trees & Rivers, Part IV :: A Blog
TREES & RIVERS, 4TH SET FROM 5 :: A BLOG 14-17/3/19 It took place, again, in Gut Alte Heide, a very fine therapy group centre, with a great host, Peter (whom we may soon see in a seminar), terrific and enormous accommodation for me, enabling me in the evenings to [...]
Prague Seminar :: A Blog
THE DIVINE STREAM PRAGUE SEMINAR :: A BLOG 1-3/3/19 Prague. Always a treat. Very receptive people. With comparative innocence too. Somewhat different this time as amongst the 45 attending there were 13 brand new people. Another feature was that, at this seminar there were more men than women, very rare [...]
Bremen Weekend Seminar :: A Blog
INFINITE SOULS Bremen Weekend Seminar :: A Blog 22-24/2/19 This was such a great group. Which I really enjoyed so much. A lot of that enjoyment came to me because all the people in the group were enjoying it so much! We did something very different in each session, and [...]
OPT7 The Lamplighters :: A Blog
OPT7 THE LAMPLIGHTERS THE FEBRUARY RUN :: A BLOG 6-10/2/2019 Starting off in stillness & silence, not the usual way of things at this time, but it fitted... Then came Levelling - a top 'ancient' basic meditation from the very beginning - towards the inner oneness which lies under all [...]
WOSP :: A Blog
THE WONDER OF SILENCE & PRESENCE (WOSP) A BLOG 24-27/1/2019 Zigra writes: This WOSP is very different from the previous 3 or 4 in which I participated. And so it was. It was more active, more in-the-room explorations, some of them built around 'the Michael Walk' (for the uninitiated - [...]
Winter Festival :: A Blog
THE KISS OF NEW LIFE WINTER FESTIVAL :: A BLOG 27/12/18 - 1/1/19 So again we were in Sampurna, where again we were more than welcomed - celebrated, really. They enjoy us there, they love us there, the 2 owners, the team there too. So that's an extra, on top [...]
Trees & Rivers Part III :: A Blog
TREES & RIVERS 3RD LEG :: A Blog 13-16/12/2018 We were in Stiersbach, for the first time for 11 years (so someone said). Fortunately there are new owners - Wolfgang & Anya - who were helpful & charming and very friendly too. So for a start, that was 'new'! But [...]
Enlightenment Circle :: A Blog
ENLIGHTENMENT CIRCLE :: A BLOG 22-25/11/18 A feature of this year's EC was that Mishka joined it! She also helped when necessary - which made Vasra happy: he could just go along with everything within himself, without having to keep one eye open, to save people from bumps and scratches [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A Blog
UNCORKING THE ENERGY CHAMPAGNE Berlin Seminar :: A Blog 16-18/11/18 Once again, a title given to a seminar many months earlier, proves to be exactly right at the time. Time being an illusion - on one level (that I'm also on!) - this is not so very surprising... For my [...]
Leuven Seminar :: A Blog
BUZZING-UP INTO GLORY SEMINAR IN LEUVEN, BELGIUM :: A BLOG 1-4/11/18 It was full, and it stayed full, got fuller & fuller. We were more than 80, including a dozen newcomers, who slowly and gently slipped into the Wild Goose Energy space - and then... One writes, afterwards: I was [...]
Trees & Rivers, Part II :: A Blog
TREES & RIVERS, Part II :: A BLOG 25/28/18 It was a great joy, throughout. For me. For all, clearly. Andarina, in the car, when she drove me to my train home from Cologne, said: It was really outstanding. And so it was. Extra so! Naturally with 37 senior WG [...]
Milan & Copenhagen :: A Two-Fold Blog
MILAN & COPENHAGEN :: A Two-Fold Blog Milan :: Beyond The Horizon 5-7/10/18 My very first time there, at the instigation of Sasini, and so now there's a 2nd venue for us in Italy, along with Porto Venere. So not a big crowd, 18 , a mixture of longtime regulars, [...]
Kiev Seminar :: A Blog
A DANCE OF ALL WITH THEE Kiev Seminar :: A Blog 21-24/9/18 Kiev is fast becoming a sub-centre for The Wild Goose Company! Apart from my regular appearances, at least once a year, since around 25 years, separate seminars, well attended, are given by Tiago, Abava, Nabi - and [...]
Hamburg Seminar :: A Blog
AN EARTH-FLYERS PARTY HAMBURG :: A BLOG 14-16/9/18 Shabi (Suna) who was there from Austria writes: What a wonderful intensive seminar, I feel so grateful that I could be again in this loving and healing energy, space pulsating, radiating, flowing - and I am still floating on this wave. My [...]
Detrapping :: A Blog
A JOSHA-DETRAPPING, AT HOME :: A Blog 6-9/9/18 Up to now these annual Detrappings have taken place at Josha's Centre in France, near Toulouse, but due to some fault by the builders, at the time of construction, a local law was unhappily broken, leading to a ban on any purposeful [...]
OneLife Personal Training 7 :: A Blog
THE LAMPLIGHTERS OPT 7, Part II :: A Blog 31/7 - 5/8 2018 This is a report I received on it from Abava: We all felt, and you remarked on how the training started at the SF where the ground work was laid and the energy from that was brought [...]
Summer Festival :: A Blog
LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS Summer Festival :: A Blog 25-29/7/18 We were eighty, and in one session, with added guests from Parimal, just short of a hundred. Not much free space there, in the room, but we didn't need it. Longterm WG Indro, now on OPT7, writes: This was the [...]
OneLife Personal Training 6 :: A Blog
WHEN THE HEART SMILES ONE LIFE PERSONAL TRAINING 6 (OPT6) :: A Blog JULY 2017-JULY 2018 This final Meeting of OPT6 contained all the ways I've worked in seminars from the very beginning. Including Zen-Hit Encounter, for a few lucky guys! For all that, I had to 'take over' most [...]
Vienna Seminar :: A Blog
WEEKEND SEMINAR IN VIENNA 'VIENNA' :: A Blog 6-8/7/18 It was pretty nonstop. Arrived Friday early afternoon, then to the hotel where my hosts Anuradha & Sandipa were also staying, some lunch together prepared by Sandipa, there in the room, then 'a WC watch', our first: France v Uruguay, also [...]
Trees & Rivers Part I :: A Blog
TREES & RIVERS Part I :: A Blog 21-24/6/2018 It was for me, as if the momentum of all the seminars I have done in the world over the past 46 years - more than a thousand - was with me & us on the launching of this new One-Year [...]
Bath Seminar :: A Blog
YOU AND ENGLAND Bath Seminar :: A Blog June 1-3 First time there, in My Homeland, for 5 years. A Home Hit. It was certainly time to go again. It was to be in Bath. A beautiful city. Abava picked Mishka & I up at Heathrow. 'Normally' it's a 90 [...]
Teaching Seminar :: A Blog
When Speech & Silence Are Both Unexpectedly Ch'an (Zen) Teaching Seminar :: A Blog 24-27/5/18 There was speech, quite a lot of it, there was silence, also in plenty, and it was all Ch'an too. All that we know or think we know about human beings comes from human beings. [...]
Copenhagen Seminar :: A Blog
Walking the Last Invisible Mile Copenhagen Seminar :: A BLOG 11-13/5/18 From the moment I entered the grouproom on Friday evening, we took off. What came with me? Love & Eternity. These others were there too: The Soft Hands of the Divine, The Secret Flow of the Universe, The Heart [...]
Corfu Seminar :: A Blog
SUN IN THE HEART Corfu Seminar :: A Blog 28/4-5/5 2018 It was the kind of affair, here in Corfu those 7 days, about which I believe, people will say in the future: Were you there? The island was perfect, spring dawning, real spring with warm sun high into the [...]
Music & Silence
MUSIC & SILENCE :: A Blog 19-22/4/'18 Well, we did 'exactly what it says on the tin'! Simple, but the cosmos was with us, so it was also profound. Depths reached. Sun all the time, on top. So all meals in the garden, for most, breaks too. When the Zero [...]
Portovenere :: A Blog
FIELD OF LOVE AND ONENESS SEMINAR IN PORTOVENERE :: A BLOG 6/4-8/4 20I8 We went by car, Mishka & I, which took 8 hours, including stops, but traffic was not heavy, unlike last year, so driving alternately, we arrived fresh - and in good time too. The hotel we stay [...]
THIS UNKNOWN LAND Easter Festival :: A Blog 30/3-2/4 '18 This was the sky on Sunday night here in Denzlingen, a copy of the power & brightness of our time together here in Extraordinary Space, our grouproom below. We were 30, almost all 'regulars' so it was too an Easter [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A Blog
JOY - FOR NOTHING BERLIN SEMINAR :: A BLOG 16-18/3/'18 A new place to meet, a place where many people (30+) work as individual therapists, pictures of them all around, and the boss around too almost all the time when we were there, a good connection made, "Come back anytime [...]
Prague Seminar :: A BLOG
A GLIMPSE OF ETERNITY 9/11/'08 It was 1989 when I first was there in Prague to do a Group, it was then that the Czech Republic became free of Soviet control, and they were celebrating, so much so that though they came for my seminar ('Fantastic!' group remembers Sandipa, who [...]
Bremen Seminar :: A BLOG
SLIDING UP THE MOUNTAINSIDE 23-25.02. 2018 HI ALL! I really enjoyed this group! 5 new people amongst them, all standouts in some way. they all touched me a lot, and I was happy that 4 of them joined the WG ENERGYFIELD, and the other was close! One of the new [...]
OPT6, Part 5 :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 7-11/2/18 :: A BLOG HI EVERYBODY! Here is the latest news on this scintillating OPT Training after we all met again earlier this month to continue the Path to clarity and space, and the LOVE it brings to all, and also to one another – in abundance. Here, thanks [...]
WOSP Seminar :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 25-28/1/2018 It was a mixed group, some completely new, some occasionals, some I've not seen since quite a while, now popping up again, and, as always, some regulars. But I know this was a really great group. At the end people were still, silent, awake, glowing, and full of [...]
The Winter Festival :: A BLOG
ONLY LOVE REDEEMS Sampurna, 27/12 - 1/1 Thank you for the most beautiful days ever, writes Jila. That was probably the most beautiful 90 mins of my life, said my daughter San Chi after one such session. Thank you for a most fantastic Winter Festival. On the morning of [...]
Happy Christmas!
Beloved Wild Geese, Here we are in UNACHO on the 25th of December, Christmas Day. Ready to make every day from now on also a Christmas Day! LOVE to You All Michael, Mishka and everyone else here on this photo
Love&Beauty Last Leg :: A BLOG
6-10/12/17 The ego and the cosmic space are incompatible. At least, when the ego is 'a thing'. Something set. When the ego is not a thing, but an ongoing process, it can remain active whilst you are with the cosmic space. Seeing the ego as itself an energy happening allows [...]
Swiss Seminar :: A BLOG
DON'T MISS! Solothurn, 24-26/11/17 After a two-year miss, we were back again there, in Switzerland, thanks to Teresca seizing the initiative to 're-open' that little land in the middle of Western Europe, a country I have lived in several times, and where FOUR of my children and also my grandson, [...]
Enlightenment Circle Seminar :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 16-19/11/17 A seminar for seniors - and so it was: deep, potent - and demanding. Exploring the state of Enlightenment, and the way there, methods there, firing shots there, then approaching the target, wholeheartedly, total commitment; most nights lights were out by 21.30. And it was all about Wholeness [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A BLOG
"AND JESUS CAME DOWN JUST LIKE A SOLDIER" Berlin Seminar, 3-5/11/17 Berlin again, exactly 40 years after my first visit there in 1977. 150 people there then, but that was in my sannyas days, and having left Poona for the West again, unlike other Group Leaders there, I represented the [...]
Hamburg Seminar :: A BLOG
RAID ON THE ABSOLUTE Hamburg, 20-22/1O/17 Everybody had a great time, that was clear. It wasn't a question of what we did but of what was, what was present, what happened for the participants in that Hamburg dojo, and beyond. One said, Like an acid trip. Another, one of the [...]
Mind & Body Seminar :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 12-15 OCT 2017 :: A BLOG After that session I felt the best I've ever felt in my life. Moksha From Anson, who has not done a group with me in a very long time: I don't come to Michael's groups because he doesn't answer my questions. In this [...]
Copenhagen Seminar :: A BLOG
INFINITE SOULS Copenhagen Seminar, 6-8/10/17 :: A BLOG A Friday Evening kick-off as usual (but not always!), full of old friends, but also 6 Newies - and what came in with me? An energy from 'elsewhere'- even before I could get to grips with it as usual and allow it [...]
Belgium seminar :: A BLOG
LIQUID GOLD Belgium seminar, 28/9 – 1/10 :: A BLOG Physically, I limped through this one, bronchitis since a week before, and still going strong. The flight didn't help either. Chest and throat somewhere else, struggling for normality, so I had to find a new way of being with the [...]
Kiev Seminar :: A BLOG
15-18/9/17 They were 60, we were 4: Tiago, Akali, Nabi and I. 60 from the Ukraine, mostly Kiev. That's something, I can tell you. Unique energy there. Here we are, they say (in Russian or silently), open, happy, welcoming, trusting, looking forward oh so much. We know it's going to [...]
Detrapping Seminar :: A BLOG
Saint-Blancard, 7-10/9/17 :: A BLOG So there we were, already a day before, at this 'ranch', a hundred kilometres from Toulouse in south-west France, a home and working space - at times - for Wild Goose Josha, a king of consultants to Big Business, and those who run them. Here [...]
Newsletter Summer 2017 + Love&Beauty Blog
plus the LOVE&BEAUTY BLOG We all had a quite marvellous time. Never better. In the week before our vacation starts. Usually that's a bit of a difficult time for me; parts of me, especially my body, want to start holidaying a week before I do, but not this time. Too [...]
UNACHO, 1-7/8/17 :: A BLOG First morning. Mainly a new crowd of course, but 5 from the last one, OPT5, carrying straight on (we must be doing something right then). All familiar faces to me, none the less, including some past - and present, X-Runners. But a general feeling of [...]
The Summer Festival 2017 :: A BLOG
YOU ARE THE WORLD The Summer Festival, 25-30/7/17 :: A BLOG I rarely listen to music on the radio, or on CDs, when I'm driving, prefer the sounds all around, but sometimes I switch on - maybe there's something I like or have liked in the past; then the day [...]
OPT 5 – Last Leg :: A BLOG
FIRE IN THE HOLD 15-21/7/17 23 Fires this week in 23 Holds. The heart is the seat of the soul. The soul is the beat of the heart. That's how you know how you're doing... Heart exploration then, early on, becoming the impulse for all that followed... A Zen [...]
Vienna Seminar :: A BLOG
Answering the Call Vienna Seminar, 7.7 - 9.7 '17 :: A BLOG Back again there in Austria to The City Itself after many group years 'in the land' - mostly in Linz, also Wolfsberg, and also Graz, and elsewhere. Must be 25 years since I last seminared here in Vienna... [...]
Munich Seminar :: A BLOG
THE LIFEGIVERS Munich Seminar, 30/6 - 2/7 :: A BLOG With Munich, I have what we call 'Previous' - meaning some history, maybe ancient history too... A long time back, a Wild Goose Reincarnation Therapist gave me a session in her car at the airport, on arrival there and where [...]
America Trip :: A BLOG
GOD BLESS AMERICA & WHEN THE FIRE & THE ROSE ARE ONE 9-20/6/17 :: A BLOG Long flight to Miami, in daytime at least, the day catching up with us as we flew west, so still light on arrival, got our hired car and off we went south, Mishka [...]
Music&Silence Seminar :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 25-28/5/17 :: A BLOG DEAR WILD GOOSE FRIENDS & FRIENDS OF WILD GEESE, This one was different, different from our usual happenings , and - a little surprisingly - different from the Music&Silence groups we were sharing together a decade or so ago. We spent the first half of [...]
Copenhagen Seminar :: A BLOG
TO YOUR WHOLE HEART & SOUL Copenhagen Seminar, 12-14/5/17 :: A BLOG Great grouproom, big and light and airy, (if 80 steps up!) But that helps, such a good room! It's a plus. With assistants we were almost 40 - and sometimes it looked like just one when I came [...]
Detrapping 5 :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 5-7 MAY 2017 We were not many. And then two cancellations on the very day, so even less. This meant for those there that each one had a whole 90 mins session to detrap. As Einstein said - and I too, often! - you can't solve a problem on [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A BLOG
THE HIDDEN HARMONY Berlin Seminar, 28-30/4/17 :: A BLOG So there it is again! The name, given many months ago, fitted perfectly. We were not so many this time there, maybe due to the long weekend, but no matter... There was not much for me to do there, not even [...]
Easter Festival :: A BLOG
Standing in the Midst of Life Easter Festival, 14-17/4/17:: A BLOG It was all I could wish for. Which reminds me of some lines in a poem from the Poem Book, This Other Cup Of Purple - Poems '84-'87, so, 30+ years ago: When we meet Life in the [...]
Portovenere Seminar :: A BLOG
The Heart is Where the Home Is Portovenere Seminar, 7-9/4/17 :: A BLOG We went by car there, Mishka & I, the (expected) 6 hour journey took us 10 - hold ups at the Gotthard tunnel, heavy traffic as always around Milan, and then on the motorway south an Incidente [...]
Love&Beauty :: A BLOG
LOVE & BEAUTY (part 3 of 5) at Gut Alte Heide near Cologne 29/3 - 2/4 2017 :: A BLOG Great group room, lots of space, another gathering in harmony from the word Go. Mostly great weather, indicating walks in the lunch break, also for some, in the early pre-breakfast [...]
Newsletter Spring 2017
Hullo Everybody! Hello Energy People, Life People, LOVE people! Today, as I write, here in Denzlingen it is 20º. I sincerely hope it's like that wherever you are too. Should give now a boost to all the spring flowers - up to now a bit slow in coming, though some [...]
Prague Seminar :: A BLOG
BRINGING YOU THE GOOD NEWS 17-19/3/2017 Thank you for the GREAT weekend. Seminar was amazing as usual, and in the Talk (Time Out of Sight) and the rest of what you said, was indescribable. For me in the Talk you said EVERYTHING, the essence of your teaching, NOTHING MISSING. In [...]
Bremen Seminar :: A BLOG
YOU'RE IN THE ORCHARD BREMEN, 10-12/3/17 Such a cosy weekend! We were not so many - 25 - and the grouproom was also pretty small - but neat, cosy, the whole place cooperated with the inner space that I was in - and which then all of us there went [...]
WOSP Seminar :: A BLOG
(The Wonder of Silence & Presence) 23-28/2/17 at UNACHO - The Big Trap Halfway through came this talk: The Big Trap. A beautiful massacre! (which everyone survived!) Everything stopped. Everyone stopped. We are all in it, this trap. Everyone is in it, unknowingly. Bar just a few. You the [...]
OPT5, 3rd LEG :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 08-12/2/2017 So we gathered: Tiago, Abava, Mishka & I, the OPT Training Team, and then came the 23 Participants, and then the Cooking&House Team of Disiray, Luberta, Jamain, Shunyata, and later, briefly, Kasika & Dabola too. Full House. Full Steam Ahead too. 5 Days, but it felt like many [...]
love&beauty :: A BLOG
Gut Helmeringen 25-29 January 2017 A BLOG So there we were, out in the countryside, right by one of the German Atomic Power Stations, still thriving and pumping it out, just a kilo or two up the road. 44 L&B's, and me, all gladly meeting again after 5 months, happy [...]
The Winter Festival :: A CODA
Dear Wild Goose Guys, After the WF blog went out I received some great feedbacks from participants who were there, and some of these we would like to share in this coda. Here they are: Chetano: In the few days with you during the Winter Festival at Sampurna, it was [...]
The Winter Festival :: A BLOG
LOVE IS IN THE AIR Winter Festival 27/12/16 - 1/1/17 :: A BLOG We were around 80, and we were from France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Switzerland, The Ukraine & Australia. It was cold but no snow. Sampurna, where we were again, was warm. We of [...]
Australian Tour :: A BLOG
A TIME IN AUSTRALIA 29/11 - 14/12 2016 A BLOG The flight there , to Perth, via Singapore, was not so bad, we had a hold-up in Singers, faulty plane so we were delayed somewhat, but when we arrived our luggage was waiting for us - and so were Borganda [...]
Enlightenment Circle :: A BLOG
UNACHO, 24-27/11/16 This circle went round & round, spinning, settling, disappearing into the sky and also into the earth. This morning's COD was: This very Earth the Lotus Paradise This very Body the Buddha. So mail this morning from EC participants say that this is how it was for them [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A BLOG
ENERGY UNITED 11-13/11/16 Thank you, Tarima, Thank you, Genkano, Thank you, Astari, my Berlin team, thank you, thank you for preparing everything in this 'high spot', here was so much to be carried up and again up (and it was all worth it!) and thank you also to all the [...]
Newsletter Winter 2016/17
Back in 1973, just around the time I started doing evening groups in my small apartment in Hampstead with a dozen people, I did a couple of weekend groups with an American called Jacob Stattman. Jay worked with psychofantasy in a fantastic way - he was the best, and I [...]
Copenhagen Seminar :: A BLOG
FROM RAGS TO RICHES Copenhagen Seminar 21-23/10/16 :: A BLOG Wonderful, Wonderful, Copenhagen! "Energy & Transformation go hand in hand" said the blurb. They take you from Rags to Riches...So they do. To get there, we had to climb 77 steps, but then there was a grouproom both big and [...]
WOSP seminar :: A BLOG
WOSP (THE WONDER OF SILENCE & PRESENCE) 13-16/1O/16 A BLOG It was the 3rd of its kind. There's even a book out on the first one, so - same again? Not at all. I'm quite unable to repeat, to copy, to follow a line or a plan. As the Q&A [...]
Kiev Seminar :: A BLOG
THE FEELING OF TRUE NATURE KIEV, 30/9 - 2/10/16 :: A BLOG Arriving there in Kiev, Sarvasati & Hawana meeting me, stepping outside the airport, my heart lifted - here are our Ukranian Wild Geese, so many intent on flying, reaching, enjoying each moment - and leaving no trace. Through [...]
Detrapping Seminar :: A BLOG
A DETRAPPING GROUP AT 'TAKING WING' 22-26/9/16 :: A BLOG So there we were, Mishka & I, on a flight to Toulouse in SW France, for this fixed seminar: a Detrapping with clients of that amazing coach for business people, world-wide - our very own Josha, graduate of several X-Runs over [...]
Hamburg Seminar :: A BLOG
THE LOVE OF THE UNIVERSE HAMBURG, 16-18/9/16 In the talk I gave there, This Virgin Reality, I asked them, as I now ask you: Soon you are going to die, what are you now going to do about it? Come again? maybe to China – interesting! or to Africa, chaos [...]
A Course in Love & Beauty :: A BLOG
LOVE & BEAUTY, FIRST LEG 17-21/8/16. So we first played the song for this poem written by Chaitanya in 1986, miraculously preserved, and then Domini's version, a track from his 2014 album: 7 Songs of Enlightenment, available in the shop.
The Summer Festival :: A BLOG
CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, 26-31/07/2016. As usual, it was the best group ever. Well, after all, the Teacher, the Work - and the Students - must continuously unfold, and so it does. More like an X-Run, this one, than the usual easy-going Summer Festivals. Writes my son Kozan: "A truly [...]
OPT 4 - A Blog, August '15 - July '16. First session, with Michael, in an hour we travelled a million miles. To Uranus: Greek myth: the personification of the sky, who, as a god, ruled the universe. Then back to earth, sessions with all the Guiding Lights, Tiago, Mishka, [...]
“Awakening the Whole Self Within” Seminar :: A BLOG
June 17-19 '16 A BLOG A tall order! But the order nevertheless taken, and delivered, at least the direction, over these few days. Again & again. In the seminar, we were from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, USA and the UK. And in the house & kitchen, also [...]
Austria Seminar :: A BLOG
THIS INSTANT LIFE AUSTRIA Seminar 3-5 JUNE 2016 A BLOG So, far too soon after our USA exploits - and troubles, I was off on the 7 hour journey from home to Tragwein in Austria. For our annual seminar there. My hosts were Sandipa & Anuradha, which was cosy as [...]
USA Seminars :: A BLOG
AMERICA The Ocean of Your Original Nature 18/5 - 31/5 2016 America is Another Country. More so for me even than Russia, Brazil, Ukraine (of course), Australia (of course) or anywhere else I go or have been, to work. South Africa lies in that direction a bit too... The land [...]
Copenhagen Seminar :: A BLOG
The Sea Around Us, The River Within Us Seminar in Copenhagen 6-8 May A BLOG The weather was superb throughout. And it played its part! The group place - new to me even after all these many years with so many group-visits and group-places there - was just fine: central, [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A BLOG
SAYING YES IN LOVE 22-24/4/16 Berlin. Home from home. Always has been, since I first went there in 1977, in my orange days, a group with almost 200 people. Since then I have been many many times, for a while in the Eighties – every month, since then, always regularly. [...]
X_Run 7, last leg :: A BLOG
11/4/16 to 17/4/16 The last days of X-Run 7, the last X-Run (for now) was as it should be: intense, profound, loving, celebrative, and a delight. Glorious! We were all happy to be there together for all these days, no question. And it gathered day by day, reaching a [...]
Portovenere Seminar :: A BLOG
THE INVISIBLE SKY 1-3 APRIL ‘16 Here, above, is a shot of the town taken from the patio of our hotel room. A rare place, as you can see. Here is one venue where the place is part of the seminar! And the hotel that we stayed in, the grouproom [...]
Easter Festival :: A BLOG
Song of Songs Movement, Sound, Stillness, Music – were all one, all blown by the same wind. Just this, no thats. Everything happening was happening together, right here, right now, and to all. The whole way there is quite different from what is there, when you get there, that is [...]
Prague Seminar :: A BLOG
White Light, Still & Moving A Weekend in Prague It was like a dream for me, the whole weekend, no idea what I was up to at any point, I couldn’t see through my own actions at all, I was just a passenger… It wasn’t such a large group, for [...]
OPT 4 – A Leg: 17-21 Feb 2016 A BLOG In many ways, this part of OPT started long before it began, the previous sessions had loosened structures, identified patterns and revealed hidden traumas, so there was a lot already in play. Even before we sat down for the first [...]
Bremen Seminar :: A BLOG
The Still Point of the Turning World A Seminar in Bremen 26/28 Feb 2016 A Blog The name of the room I stayed in at the Park Hotel there was The Buddha Room – one of the best. I had stayed there once before, long ago, but not since, and [...]
Sri Lanka :: A BLOG
AYURVEDIC PANCHAKARMA IN SRI LANKA JAN 2016 A BLOG Mishka and I have just returned from a Kur in Sri Lanka, at an Ayurvedic Centre there,– the whole 2 week Panchakarma process. Mishka was there, same place too, in Nov ‘14, and loved it. I’ve also been through the process [...]
WOSP, The Wonder of Silence & Presence :: A BLOG
There was silence and silence and silence, there was action, there was much flow, there was movement, there was stillness. There were very few words from me, bar the opening outline of what we would be up to, and the Q&A as usual at the end. Apart from that [...]
The WinterFestival :: A BLOG
"Where it´s Cool" THE WINTER FESTIVAL 2015 :: A BLOG At the end, Sashara said, “Thank you for an extraordinary group” – and so it was for all the ninety people who were there, no doubt about that. On one occasion, one morning, Michael walked slowly up and down the [...]
X-Run 7 (5th Leg) at Gut Helmeringen, near Ulm :: A Blog
Great place! Super Grouproom, food fine, and – finally – I got a just great accommodation, and I think that part of it was fine for everybody else too. The place lies deep too in the countryside, near the Danube, and is totally quiet. And Daniela the lady owner, with [...]
Enlightenment Circle :: A BLOG
26-29/11/15 Well, that was what it was, a circle of enlightenment. So much so, it becomes a book, a new book: Enlightenment in a Nutshell. 14 sessions, 14 chapters, 14 Energy Drawings. Look out for it in the New Year! We covered a lot of ground, and it ended on [...]
Wilderswil was difficult. Muscle clamps had me in their hands, so it was a struggle to walk, to eat, to sleep. Fortunately Mishka was again alongside me, nothing deterring her. She became my assistant in the group too. And Dana did excellently to keep everything flowing at the group end [...]
So, Thursday 5/11 we were off, by car, Mishka & I – to Leuven in Belgium, to THE monastery there, ‘THE’ monastery because apart from one longer break (or two?) I’ve been going there for seminars for more than 20 years, must be… It’s a huge (cold) noisy place, but [...]
Let It Come. Let It Be. Let It Go :: A BLOG
BERLIN 30/10 – 1/11 2015 Let It Come. Let It Be. Let It Go Well, there, in Berlin, there was a door that opened… No pain there. Is that what they were talking about? These Masters on Pain? (see my last blog) I wasn’t much out of my chair, these days. But that energy was everywhere. That’s what we guys bring.
At around 10.30 on Wednesday morning I found myself sitting on the edge of a bed in my assigned cubicle in this clinic here in Freiburg, wondering why there was such a long wait before my operation – we had arrived at 8. Seeing the nurse who had taken care [...]
Tuesday, 20/10/15 So Hullo again to all my friends, students, well-wishers...! Can I bring you up-to-date with the MB body-pain situation? So yesterday, the plan was to get a date with a neurologist, the next step, so at 09.00 Mishka was on the phone, trying to get an appointment. The [...]
Since last Thursday I have been, more or less continuously, in great pain, sometimes not so intense, at other times more than intense. Overwhelming. So this is my 9th day of it. I have seen 7 doctors of different kinds, and it still remains unknown, what the source of the pain is.
Hamburg Seminar & WOSP :: A BLOG
HAMBURG first. For a start, double the usual number of people there, Korali, my organizer there, crocked with a torn meniscus so my old friend and Berlin Group organizer since many a year, Tarima, came to be my assistant, others too came from the capital. As did 3 from [...]
Summer Festival :: A BLOG
THERE IS A LIGHT WHICH NEVER GOES OUT AT PARIMAL 28/7 – 2/8 2015 That was something. Really something. 6 days in the Arms of the Divine. Really. Almost 70 of us, from Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Italy, the Czech Republic and Australia. What a whirl. [...]
Munich Seminar :: A BLOG
HITTING HOME! 3-5/7/15 A BLOG Today, Monday, at home after the seminar, I was delighted to discover (I did not ‘know’ beforehand) that the title for this group was what it says above: Hitting Home! I never do know the group titles when I go, or when I’m there, as [...]
Denmark Seminar :: A BLOG
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjYPzHQi1yc GROUP IN MARIBO, DENMARK 19-21/6/15 BOY! DID WE MAKE THAT BRIDGE SWING! A BLOG It was a long way there, nine and a half hours from door-to-door. Maribo is way down in the south of Denmark, just a stone’s throw from Germany, really – or at least from [...]
PHEW! Seminar :: A BLOG
PHEW! Seminar 11-14 JUNE ’15 AT UNACHO A SHORT BLOG Well, it turned out differently than expected…the Universe had something else in mind. And I don’t argue with that. It was about Resonance with Emptiness, really. And it worked because people who came were open to that. There were TEN [...]
SANTA FE Seminar :: A BLOG
SANTA FE NEW MEXICO USA 22-24/5/15 A Communion With That Which Loves Us All A BLOG So, at last, America comes in from the cold. Up till now, and over many years, the Americans in general (exceptions!!!) have not much taken to the Energy Work I do, more interested in [...]
One Spirit Festival :: A BLOG
ONE SPIRIT FESTIVAL IN FREUDENSTADT 14-17/5/2015 A REPORT So we were there 3 days, well 5 for some – for those who built up our stand there. But ACTION (Out of Nothingness!) on the Fri, Sat & Sun. This year the Festival was in Freudenstadt, in the middle of the [...]
Austrian Seminar :: A BLOG
TRAGWEIN, AUSTRIA WEEKEND SEMINAR 1-3 MAY EVERYBODY’S LIFE IS IN ME It seemed as if the whole cosmos was there in that room in the Seminarhaus Greisinghof that weekend. Recently I have been wondering: all these incredible cosmic and also personal realities that are available to us Energy People here [...]
Berlin Seminar :: A Blog
BERLIN SEMINAR 24-26 APRIL 2015 RETURNING HOME A BLOG BERLIN. Always ‘punches above its weight’. Have been regularly going there for almost 40 years now – for some years, a while back, up to 5 times a year. Now twice. This time! I knew from the beginning that it was [...]
PRAGUE :: A Blog
10-12 & 13-14 APRIL Something in Your Eyes took an Eternity to Get Here & A Tree Grows in Prague I have been going once a year to Prague, ever since the Wall came down in 1989, in addition Tiago has been also doing groups there in Prague and also [...]
Easter Festival at UNACHO :: A BLOG
EASTER FESTIVAL at UNACHO 3-6 APRIL ‘15 Here we find a world which we cannot see A BLOG Of course we found that, we always do, But this time par excellence. It may not have been the strongest group ever, but the deepest it most certainly was. Most of [...]
Porto Venere :: A Blog (in Italian too!)
Porto Venere, Italy 27-29/3/15 A BLOG Portovenere. It’s pretty timeless there too. Most of the buildings are between 500 and 1000 years old. The church is 11th century – and built on the site of a pagan temple from before Jesus Christ. The name means ‘the port of Venus’, the [...]
Sunflowers Training
KIEV 13-15 MARCH A blog Kiev. Ukraine. You all know the troubles they are all in. Confronted they all are with their country threatening to break up. Who is a Ukrainian? the world is wondering. Many Ukrainians too. Well in the west of the country most of them know, and [...]
WOSP (Wonder of Silence & Presence)
22-25/1/2005 at UNACHO A Blog So there was silence, plenty of it, from the beginning – silence in the breaks as well as in the grouproom. All the way through till Saturday night when speech was allowed. And all the time, studying the self. As the great Zen Master Dogen [...]
The Richness of Generosity
A 2015 BLOG What a marvellous energy generosity has! It also shows a true expression of the cosmic energy joining with the personal. We all know now about including ‘the One’ in our lives where we can, and including ‘the All and Everything that is around it’ too, but the [...]
When running water is your friend
BLOG- WINTER FESTIVAL: 27/12 – 1/1 “Whatever I do for you from the cosmic space, whatever I say, is always a gain, always positive, however you take it, that’s the way it’s all set up.” “I can’t take you to Heaven, I don’t want to take you to Heaven, even [...]
The Universal Embrace
Belgium :: A BLOG Jila writes: What a wonderful group it has been. Your loving tender Presence did us melt In the arms of the Divine We all could let go and let ourselves be embraced Nobody cared about the cold floor in the grouproom the noises in the corridor [...]
Berlin Blog :: Everything is Holy
Normally after a weekend seminar I might get the odd follow-up response from a participant or two, but this time, already by today, Wednesday, I’ve had ten! So obviously not only for me was it something very special. Apart from the specialness of this particular weekend seminar, ever since [...]
Enlightenment Circle
A BLOG The sun comes up over the mountain. A crowd of people sit on the hills Watching. The sun bathes them. They glow. Then comes a whirlwind, Spinning them all this way and that And in the wind are the rays of the sun Warming the cells Laying them [...]
Love is in the air
A SWISS AFFAIR: 19-21 SEPT 2014 A BLOG Extraordinary. At the Peak. In Wilderswil, surrounded by peaks. But our Peak in the room was everywhere. In every cubic cm. In all of us. For me it was gate gate parasamgate: gone, gone, gone to the other shore… On Saturday the [...]
Land of the Free
Denmark 12/14 SEPT :: A BLOG Syddjurs, on Jutland – what a place! what an area! Everywhere free open land, woods, cows, sheep, scattered houses, many of them Holiday Homes, tiny villages, the odd car! Surrounded – on both sides - by the sea. Protected, like a National Park. Otherwise, a [...]
The Still Point of the Turning World
Hamburg 5-7 Sept 2014 :: A Blog Back at the Beginning of Time – or so it was for me, and it brought everybody else there too to a greater or lesser extent…bringing amazing happenings… It’s easy to be there, again & again at the very beginning of it [...]
Greece :: A Holiday Blog
A HOLIDAY BLOG Greece. Peloponnese. Weather good, Food good, Accommodation good. Beach, really long, with soft sand –beautiful. Many walks on it (Mishka – runs!). The sea welcoming, especially to fans like my guys. Wasps swarming at mealtimes – I even got myself bitten. A deep tissue massage – bruising (for [...]
OPT3 – OneLife Personal Training 3
So we set off, two days after the end of the Summer Festival, to meet at UNACHO, to launch the new Training, OPT3 – this time with 21 members, plus 3 more to join us next time. This time from 9 different nations, and this time with a preponderance of [...]
The 2014 Summer Festival
A Blog Now in the midst of OPT3, looking back – and it seems quite a long way back – I have to try and marshal my here-and-nowness to dig into those past 6 days. Well it was at Parimal, the sannyasin community, again, for the 3rd time. There were around 60 [...]
The Destiny of a Name
I am going to give three Wild Goose names now, spiritual names, to people. They are numbers 5861, 5862, 5863 (laughter) – stretching back thirty years now. I think – one day this week it is the thirtieth anniversary of the birth of the Wild Goose Company, in Switzerland, and names [...]
Onelife Personal Training (OPT2)
JULY ’13 – JULY ‘14 A BLOG21 people from 11 different countries: Switzerland, Ukraine, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Austria, England, France, Germany, USA. (And only one German! Remarkable! As it all took place in that country, and it’s where I live too.) So we were perfectly international. And yet we ended [...]
Nobody is My Name!
Seminar in Munich 20-22 June ‘14 This came after the seminar in the post: Beloved Michael, I am so happy that I could be on the group in Munich. Always pure grace to be in your presence. This time in particular I enjoyed every moment, every drop of the “juice”. [...]
ONE SPIRIT FESTIVAL 30/5 – 1/6 2014
So it was up and down to Karlsruhe, 6 times up or down the A5, to this year’s One Spirit (formerly Rainbow) Festival, except that for half those journeys it wasn’t just up and down, due to a combination of accidents and holiday traffic congestion, for half those journeys (3) [...]
Katsdorf, Austria 16-18 May 2014
It rained cats & dogs all the way from Vienna Airport to the group at the Mader Hotel (been going there for many years), and it hardly let-up right up till we arrived back on Sunday night in Kritzendorf on the other side of Vienna, where my hosts Sandipa & [...]
The last leg of this X-Run, like the two before it, took place at IL NOSTRO POSTO, a centre in Italy, near Siena, the home, base and working place of Prashantam, an old mate of mine from Poona, who also travels the world – especially Russia & China– doing his [...]
A few days in Rome
With the boys on school holiday, and Mishka badly needing a break from the hectic days at home so far this year, I took the 3 of them to Rome, one of my favourite cities (along with Zurich, Venice, Sydney, Benares, Kyoto, Naples, Jerusalem, Barcelona, Paris, Berlin, New York – [...]
since 1/1/2014
2013 finished a bit like a hurricane for me. In November there was the great Enlightenment Circle over 4 days, then later an intense 5-day X-Run over in Austria, then at the end of the year our rather wonderful 5-day Winter Festival; and just before and squeezed in between these [...]
Winter Festival 2013 at the Villa Flangini, Asolo, Italy
Children of the Universe The divine was there. It was also magnificent. Almost every time Michael came in, he moved around a bit, as he does, then sat for a while, for a short time or sometimes not so short, and then there came a talk, another talk, and always [...]
So they came, from Zurich, Berlin, Munich and Copenhagen, many of my family – all my children, that’s 4 daughters and 3 sons, also 3 mothers: Nimai, Myoshin and of course Mishka, also my grandson Aranta, and 2 children’s partners. So slowly we congregated. Also here for this time were [...]
“I don’t mind leaving my mind alone”
to get back to my Zen quote: “If you leave the mind alone the mind will leave you alone”. Take that as an absolute truth, although it may be still just a theoretical truth for you. So let’s put it this way: your mind will rule the roost, or sit on the throne, as long as you let it. Then the question comes, “Why, would you allow this troublesome, tantalizing, ...interfering mind to sit on the throne if you have a choice?” Given that you have a hidden choice, why would you do that? Why would you do that!? I mean, you have said a lot of negative things about it, but underlying all your negative remarks about the mind something in you believes in it, allows it to sit on the throne. Why would you do that? Guess!
Rainbow Spirit Festival, Munich, May 2012
For the second time it was here, after once in Berlin (where it didn't work, really) and before that many times in Baden-Baden (where it stopped working!) This time many less people - half maybe? Same with our events - this time just a talk on Sunday and an Energy [...]
Delimiting the Mind
Good Health Seminar UNACHO 5th of February 2012 ...One feature that both the physical, medical, curative point of view that Anuradha has being explaining to us, and the spiritual point of view which I have been sharing, have in common, is the process of resonance. I remember, a long time [...]
The Other Mother
We all come from a certain energy that is living and alive and everywhere, and that energy expresses itself through feelings, through thoughts, through actions, through sexuality. This universal energy is, in a way, indifferent to all forms, it is independent of all your forms – it is a potentiality. [...]
The Ultimate Delusion
So when the human race is wiped out, as it may well be, not in your lifetime though, what will be left? For all we know the ants and the bees and wasps will be left. Will it be as if we’ve never been here, like the dinosaurs? You never [...]
Easter Festival 2011
At the Easter Festival, held at home here in UNACHO, we had a Full House - in every way. Full of people, full of Energy, full of Great Happenings, full of bliss - and a few satoris as well! Boaz, who took part in it, said afterwards, “Heaven can’t be [...]
Out of Control
Everybody is helpless. What about the people in Japan? What about the people in Libya and all these places where they are being shot, buried or drowned? Their position before it happened was helpless, they were all helpless. This is a big lesson of the tsunami and earthquake, each person [...]