UNACHO, 12-15 OCT 2017 :: A BLOG
After that session I felt the best I've ever felt in my life.
From Anson, who has not done a group with me in a very long time: I don't come to Michael's groups because he doesn't answer my questions. In this group he has answered ALL my questions.
Thank you for these extraordinary & most precious days, I feel blessed that I could be part of this. After you spoke about the Zen-saying about us all putting a head on top of a head - I could suddenly chop off this second head and simply 'be', and the joy was bubbling up until I was filled with it...
This was a Teaching Seminar, throughout. Mind & Body, yes, their separation and their possible unity. But then also, emotions and feelings, and the inner system, the life force (offered by Mecca, as not included in all the others, and he's right), and finally the way to the unity of all. That was the climax and the garland. Even longtermers were astonished.
All that was said in the eight teaching sessions (out of 12) is on record. Then one session - always a gift - on the Michael Walk, two were silent sessions, and then there was one at the end, more or less as always, with individual energy sessions for all. Some said that the silent sessions were the strongest of the lot, but that was of course due to what happened for everybody in all the other sessions!
It was soon clear to me - here we have the next Wild Goose book! But for that - where are the transcribers?!
Right now we have transcribing the talks, and the darshans here at home, only Vasra in the CzR, and his availabilty is now limited. So I told them all, those who 'have' English - they must do it! And so it was, five volunteers came and between them took them all but one on, and now we just have to wait for them to tackle that job (and Vasra the last). None of the other candidates have done quite this job before so I'm going to be busy with them when they come, no doubt plenty of correcting as well as editing, so it will be quite an extra tough project, but then, it was all my idea anyway! The title of this new upcoming book (by May, I hope!) as yet unknown...
Soon, the schedule for next year, 2018, will be out on the website, at first just the Spring Groups, the New Year kicking off in January with a WOSP (The Wonder of Silence & Presence) Group here at home in UNACHO - the previous ones very well enjoyed by the participants - and ideal then perhaps after the Xmas and New Year celebrations!
Also, now, I give advanced warning of the new longterm Michael Course to follow on from the seven consecutive X-Runs, since the first in 2002, and then on to the current Love&Beauty, which ends this December. It will begin in June next year and run till the following June, 2019. It will consist of 5 x 4-day groups, probably 2 at home and the other 3 in other group venues. The name of this new Course will be: Trees & Rivers, and the main theme will be the bringing of the cosmic space into daily life - along with the trees & rivers - and surely contributing to this title are my regular walks locally, along this stretch of river with its companion trees on both banks - glorious combination! and then when also the sun is shining, it is little short of paradise...
In a few days I'm off - again - to Hamburg, where there are always also a regular bunch of people who never miss, and always enjoy. The seminar takes place there in a dojo, which is very resonant, as is the lovely man who runs the place and also many of the events there. I'm taken care of there really well by Korali & Raymondo, And my super chauffeur, Meda Murti, all these many years, and one of our highlights there are our Saturday evening dinners at the local Tibetan Restaurant where the food - and service - is great, where we sit on cushions, Tibetan-style, and where each time on arrival I get presented by the Tibetan owner with a white scarf - symbol I think of spiritual respect...
I was seeing this, written by a famous spiritual teacher: There is a subtle essence that pervades all reality. It is the reality of all that is. That essence is all. That essence is the real. And then, thou are that. Well, how about you? For me that's exactly how it is.