Michael’s Blog

Darshan 28.08.2019

A letter to the Energy Field These are some words that Michael spoke in Darshan to the House Team on Wednesdays, the 28th of August 2019, which he wants to share with all of you: So this man, Bhagwan Osho, died twenty-nine years ago, and the place where he did most of his work, in India, is flooded with people still, finding something. To go back further, there are of course in India many places where great teachers lived, The Mother who followed where Aurobindo lived is also packed, Ramana Maharshi’s place is every day packed. Bodh Gaya also has [...]

2021-01-11T18:37:10+01:00September 2nd, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

The Laughing Buddhas :: A BLOG

The Laughing Buddhas OPT8 FIRST LEG :: A BLOG 6-11/8/19 Abava & Tiago write this: After an outstanding Summer Festival, The Laughing Buddhas made their way to UNACHO for the start of OPT8. Michael launched the week with a great talk called, At the Centre of the Universe Moving Towards Anybody & Anything, which was just perfect for the newcomers and old faces alike. Then we followed a number of other basic training meditations - The 3 Levels, and Meeting Others in an Energy Way. Then came The Wild Goose Cocktail Party Hello - the 2nd input to his Work [...]

2019-08-15T17:00:16+02:00August 15th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

Summer Festival :: A Blog

FLOWERS OF LOVE SUMMER FESTIVAL :: A BLOG 31/7 - 4/8 '19 We were 80, including staff (Mishka, Tiago, Akali and I), the most for many a year...Of course back in the late Eighties and early Nineties for the SF & WF we would get twice that number and sometimes 200 and more... Still, the group room there, Buddha Hall, was packed, and the Parimal residents had to create lots of space, so that everybody who was in the group could be accommodated there. Our Saranta, who lives and works there, in the organizing of all visiting groups there, writes: [...]

2019-08-08T09:56:29+02:00August 8th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

OPT7 :: A Blog

THE LAMPLIGHTERS - END GAME! OPT7 :: A BLOG 20-26/7/19 Abava writes: We were just reading your poem for the Lamplighters - as usual it was spot on and it all came true: Burn your candle bright, Protect it through the night, And then let your light leap To all those who surround you!.... What an amazing training this has been, different to all the others, and this week has been different to any others that we have shared. You set the tone with your introductory talk, 'Who You Are' and we found new depths in the classic meditations, for [...]

2019-07-29T15:09:11+02:00July 29th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

Vienna Seminar :: A Blog

DYNAMIC STILLNESS MOVING AROUND VIENNA :: A BLOG 5-7/7/19 We were a remarkable collectivity group of 40, participants from the Eighties, Nineties, Zeros and so on and even a sannyasin who was with me in my own sannyasin days in Brussels in the very early Eighties, amongst them old friends not seen for some years, plus all those who joined the WGC there in Vienna last year... And also Mishora, first time for some years - he was a member of the WG Team for 4 years back in the late Nineties and into the next. (At dinnertime together on [...]

2019-07-10T12:52:28+02:00July 10th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

Trees & Rivers :: A Blog

TREES & RIVERS :: A BLOG 21-23/6/19 Here we were, for this last installment, at home here in UNACHO. Missing, unfortunately, was Saranda, so ill now that she can barely stand, let alone travel to join us here. We missed her - and I certainly did! - and somehow still included her in our time together. Enid also was again absent, too ill she says to travel from England. It's a powerful group, lots of old-timers and regulars, so immediately the room, Extraordinary Space, was a cauldron. Just being in it, even in silence and stillness, was healing for all. [...]

2019-06-25T18:40:52+02:00June 25th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

Solothurn Seminar :: A Blog

THE COSMIC INTERIOR SOLOTHURN :: A BLOG 14-16/6/19 What to discover there? That all things are not what they seem. That all things reflect true being, behind the scenes - a cosmic play of energy in every cell of life, including your own. A dance. And you are the dance. That - above - is what I wrote, for this seminar, months before. And once again it was how it was. Friday, the town was full. Packed with women. All over Switzerland they were demonstrating, and they arrived from all around Solothurn to participate in this national happening there, & to [...]

2019-06-19T16:27:33+02:00June 19th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

The 25th Rainbow/One Spirit Festival :: A Blog

THE 25TH RAINBOW/ONE SPIRIT FESTIVAL :: A BLOG SUNDAY 9/6/19 My 22nd or so. After years in Baden-Baden, then shortly in Munich and then Karlsruhe, this annual festival now takes place in Freudenstadt, up the A5 and then a long winding road up into the Black Forest, with a spectacular view from the top, and then down a bit to the town itself. Mishka with me, and in another car, Vasra & Simitra, to set up the equipment and to help and support in various ways. Busier this year than in the last few years. Which naturally pleased the creator [...]

2019-06-12T14:47:01+02:00June 12th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments

Seminar in Corfu :: A Blog

THE CUP RUNNETH OVER 7 DAY SEMINAR IN CORFU :: A BLOG 25/5-1/62019. I love this island. Here, nature shines. A lot of spiritual work goes on here too - especially in the area we again were - Arillas, exactly on the coast. I kept meeting people from 'the past' , even a few from 40 years ago, in Poona. So I'm still recognizable... It's also where Deva Premal & Miten come every year for a while, Peter Makena too (but not this year) - all good friends of ours. And this year we had our seminar in the fabulous [...]

2019-06-07T08:57:50+02:00June 6th, 2019|Michael's Blog|0 Comments
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