Here we were, for this last installment, at home here in UNACHO. Missing, unfortunately, was Saranda, so ill now that she can barely stand, let alone travel to join us here. We missed her - and I certainly did! - and somehow still included her in our time together. Enid also was again absent, too ill she says to travel from England.
It's a powerful group, lots of old-timers and regulars, so immediately the room, Extraordinary Space, was a cauldron. Just being in it, even in silence and stillness, was healing for all.
Astaranda writes: The beauty of letting go and simply being, you share the most precious of what can be found. Connected and content. Nothing in particular. Space all around waiting for us, patiently. I feel you saved my soul.
I love this. Simply being. Yes, please - everybody!
From Sadhan, Danish Wild Goose since 1985: This last leg of T&R was the strongest experience ever, lasting longer, sinking in, deeper & deeper as the sessions went on. You provided us/me with so much depth of how the aspect of death can bring us to seeing life, and from there connect more & more with the cosmos, so the daily life of mine has become richer and allowing me to flow in life without so much effort. It is as it is! Great! Again, this simple statement but simply felt: THANK YOU. From deep in my heart, and I can joyfully say: I love you. Next step, Coming Home! Love
Yes, death was a subject. It was in the air. Whilst I was in Switzerland the weekend before, Mishka was in Kiev for a Dance-Energy Group, and there too, to quite an extent, they were looking at the theme of dying.
Here, tackling this (taboo!) subject, upset Irani - maybe others too. I told him that I could understand that, he's a young man with a growing family and a work-in-the-world orientation. Nevertheless, like everyone else, he is on the way to dying, and young as he is, it could still happen anytime...
From Supora: What a delight it has been! My thanks to you is to keep on the Path. Not to choose but to let myself be chosen. In any moment and for any moment. So much Love to you
Also: T&R is over now. But the flow of life continues to flow. My walk along the river has shown me the river is in me. All rivers flow to the sea and dissolve in the ocean. So easy and yet so hard. Thank you for your love & patience. Andriana
Yes, when we first met a year ago, we all, together, took my regular local walk along the river lined both sides with trees - which gave its name to this whole longterm affair. We all went again, first session Saturday morning - a whole session, then next there was (delightful) feedback from the participants. Mostly so much difference between the two walks!
Shanti writes: For sure the experience of the walk this time could simply not have happened last time. Also these days together felt like a goodbye - I have left something behind - but I welcome what now comes with joy in my heart. Thank you! Love!
From Mecca: Once again I felt I belong there with you in UNACHO. Not necessarily every day but...
Long ago, back in the mid-Sixties, I asked my teacher Bhagwan (he was never Osho to me, only formally) a question - a question whose meaning I was not even sure about at the time. It was: Is it possible to be inside with you? His first words in answer were: It is the only way to be with me. (Everybody please note!) His final words were (something like) When you arrive we will be One. And then finally: Then The Twoness disappears.
Well, friends, this happened in this Trees&Rivers. Clearly & absolutely. We are quite different people, teachers, masters, but in essence no difference. One.
There were again many talks - all EnergyTalks!
Of No Consequence Whatsever.
The Exploding World
Being Supreme
What Has That Music To Do With Enlightenment? Everything!
Everything is Everywhere, in Everywhere is Everything.
Q&A: The Holy River.
Goodbye for now on this very hot summer's day...