UNACHO, 16-19/11/17
A seminar for seniors - and so it was: deep, potent - and demanding. Exploring the state of Enlightenment, and the way there, methods there, firing shots there, then approaching the target, wholeheartedly, total commitment; most nights lights were out by 21.30.
And it was all about Wholeness too, which many in the seminar found. For instance, after a session involving wholeness, that is, the inclusion of All Life (and so mending the separation), and without any direct work on the body (as in 'body & mind'), yet still, several members of the Circle reported after that session that they had felt such strong bodily contact with the earth, and not only that, but a connection with their roots driving deep into the earth.
Wholeness of course also includes the body, in all its multi-dimensions, and so it provides healing on all levels including the physical. Go to that and your body will shine and smile with good health, and troubles in it will, at least temporarily, slip away, even disappear...
Also, another theme: what is your Truth? What the Universe expresses through you, that is your truth, and that is You.
Who are you before you were born?
Jesus: Before Abraham was I AM.
Zen: Show me your face before you were born.
This too was a theme of the EC.
We explored the Michael Walk, and my statement was that it amounts to not only moving but also living in an enlightenment way.
Another theme: If we don't let the mind run the show, giving orders and instructions, what else can we find to lead us? (What is your answer?)
No Master, but that which simply is, that is the Master.
Boaz (TouchLife creator and Meditation Teacher too) says: This was the best group I have ever done in my life. Many new insights to take into my life and work, Michael has opened up for me new areas of exploration.
Larida writes: With the Michael Walk, the first time I did it I thought to myself, What is this all about, I don't see anything special in it. But now I see the revolution in it, and each time now I see more and more what is behind.
Prakasha writes: I felt you were teaching us to be teachers for ourselves. In this group, energy was not just a knowing, but a union of energy and body!!! I felt the energy through my whole body! And this discovery: all the power that exists in the universe I realised that it is all inside me. I have the same potential as the universe, and this is a huge power. And at the same time everything became very simple and ordinary.
Sasini writes: I feel so much touched inside. The Enlightenment Circle has been just perfect. I'm home and finally feeling at home. I can still connect with the cosmic energy I experienced in these past days, it is there for me and it is nourishing my soul deeply. I keep repeating to myself, don't add anything to life, it is such a freedom to feel I can just relax into the present moment and trust life, everything is already there for me. With deep gratitude and love
So, a profound time, as I would wish an Enlightenment Circle to be. In a couple of days off back to Swissiland - to Solothurn where I was also for several years already, quite a few years ago, then a peak meeting to finish off our Love&Beauty Course in December, then all of us with - more or less - our separate Xmas celebrations before many of us orientate on another Wild Goose Get-Together in Sampurna, to carry on the celebrations and then together see in the New Year, 2018, in our usual Happy & Intensely Energetic style!