We all had a quite marvellous time.
Never better.
In the week before our vacation starts.
Usually that's a bit of a difficult time for me; parts of me, especially my body, want to start holidaying a week before I do, but not this time. Too much joy to go with that.
We spoke about Love and Beauty. That love is personal (as are also bliss and Oneness) – when they come, but beauty is not, it includes all that is seen as beautiful that is around. And as Buddha said to Ananda: IT (BEAUTY) IS THE WHOLE. There were some disagreements, especially about Love being just personal, but I held my ground!
We had rebirths of our existence, back to the very beginning of ourselves, each being his or her own midwife. Transformations happened everywhere.
I read them the parable from the book, Nobody Knows My Name, about the man who fell to earth and then jumped into a dark hole - as many people stood around looking down - knowing it would take him home again. The photo here is from the cover of that book, as I was then, in 1985. It was the first Wild Goose book, in Belsitostrasse in Zurich (there were, earlier, 4 books from my sannyasin time, plus 2 more from the time before that: People Not Psychiatry and Zero Days...)
At times the separation between me and the cosmic energy disappeared completely this week, I just let it be as it was, and that was really nice work! And nice to work with too!
Last morning, the energy slaying of the demons, then questions on love and beauty and then on reincarnation, and before that a Wild Goose Marriage - the first for a while - though many (50? 100?) in the past, most lasting the pace too. This one between Vasra (on L&B) and Sarito from the Czech Republic - here to help, as were others, from Italy, Switzerland, Germany & Holland - and how great they all were, under the great guidance of Imaho. The new couple got serenaded after the ceremony by 3 musicians - the guitars of Imaho & Rinzai, and the horn of Mahaya...
There were marvellous silences echoing the Silent Symphony of the Divine. Perfectly there. Quite shattering and so exquisite, and then from there to explosive action and changing pair-dancing one by one - hilarious...
And at the same time there was a lot of wu-wei time -which means, from Zen, action out of non-action - or out of Emptiness, as the t-shirts have it. Which leaves you at the source in each moment. Marvellous feeling!
We in L&B meet again in December, for our last time. There will be a new long term Course with me beginning next summer, for experienced Wild Geese, so look out for it.
Before that we are, through Disiray, running a week's holiday-type group in Corfu next year from Sunday 29/4 until Friday 4/5. This is like a post-L&B group for those in it, but is also open to all 'experienced' Wild Geese. There will be morning sessions, and an evening session each day, with afternoons free. You can get more info on this holiday group-time together from our office here. We are telling you about this time together early, since cheap flights there to Corfu are available from October...
Ahead still this year there are still a lot of possible meeting places: in Kiev, Belgium, Denmark, Hamburg, Berlin, Solothurn in Switzerland, plus two here at UNACHO - first, as usual - and always very popular with committed people - The Enlightenment Circle in November, but also a new one - Mind & Body, here in October. Then of course the year ends with our usually fabulous Winter Festival - this year in the same place as we have happily held it over the last 2 years -Sampurna, near Wiesbaden.
And lastly some early feedbacks - already on this day of ending:
What a group! What a big gift! I feel so blessed and thankful to you and for this life. When we went to our original place I was suddenly flowing water, a wave of the beloved sea, and rocks and birds, everything flowing, changing shape & form constantly. There was no body, no thing...
Much love, Anagama
Words cannot tell how I feel. Everyone has given me their gifts from their own existence. And the cosmic gifts from you were the top. It makes me so humble to feel what is there. I start to feel the flavour of enlightenment.
Love and Beauty. Supora
So keep your spiritual path moving, in these ways and others that you know about, and most of all, within yourself, using the Teachings and your own - by now - innate sense of what will contribute, and what will not!