
Prague. Always a treat. Very receptive people. With comparative innocence too. Somewhat different this time as amongst the 45 attending there were 13 brand new people. Another feature was that, at this seminar there were more men than women, very rare in my groups, maybe so even for the first time ever...

This affected the group activity, in a way I had to start from the beginning, and then move fast!

Devraday, also my very good chauffeur there, wrote afterwards: The whole weekend was a direct and intensive experience of your total commitment to your work and the people you work with, towards the cosmos, the limitlessness of what you give, your endless patience (tell Mishka!) and absolute dedication to everyone's process, each and every one of us, regardless whether it is hard or not, because of the many new people. And what a great group it was! "You are the most important people in my life," you said at the beginning of the group. I not only heard it, suddenly I felt the absolute truth of that statement deep inside, and it filled me with tremendous gratitude and humbleness. And the only adequate response to this can only be my total commitment to you, your work and any way I can contribute to it, and by this to my own path. From all my heart and soul, thank you for this weekend. For all those years you patiently waited for me to grow and get ready for the next step. Love, love, LOVE!

All very nice!

Thank you for these marvellous sessions full of love you shared with us once more, moving me from deep sadness to the most beautiful cosmic joy and happines...the soft landing in silent nowhere and bliss, Teresca

Thank you for the deep healing happening in the Prague seminar. Your loving meeting with me in the first session opened me up deeply, which made it possible for me to go through some heavy stuff with my girlfriend, and for her (also attending) it was the same. I found more integrity and this flows now into my daily life. Much love Dabola

From Jamain, our group organizer there: The seminar was fantastic, very profound, such a pleasure to be part of this and watch my life being really transformed.

And it was nice to meet his fine new girlfriend, now also a Wild Goose...

There were several short talks - teaching needed by the wave of newcomers, and then a great Q&A: When to Stop is to Go and to Go is to Stop.

And before that the cosmic naming of 10 of the newcomers.

And after that a great wild dancing session, the energy of the whole group flying through.
