Solothurn, 24-26/11/17
After a two-year miss, we were back again there, in Switzerland, thanks to Teresca seizing the initiative to 're-open' that little land in the middle of Western Europe, a country I have lived in several times, and where FOUR of my children and also my grandson, Aranta, were all born, and a country that houses my favourite town in the wide world - Zurich. So I was more than willing.
We were back in Solothurn, where I did several groups about 15 years ago, and this seminar was in the same place as they were.
It's a 'sweetie town', very much 'car-free' now too, it gave me a good feeling to be working there, a very harmonious feeling.
Some regulars were there, almost all Swiss, plus eight newcomers also, all Swiss. So I went into my 'Swiss mode'...
Once before when I was there, working in the same room (in a Youth Hostel), on the Friday evening a brass band was rehearsing on the floor right above us, which led to some sleight-of-hand to get anything going then, that evening. Teresca knew about this and got a written assurance that this group of musicians would not practise that Friday evening - but in the event, there they were! We had been deceived! In the end it didn't matter too much, not so much of the sound penetrated, and when it did I replied with my own music! So somehow despite this we did get off to a good start. And all the new people seemed to fall into 'the space' almost immediately, which was for me a nice surprise.
And how did the seminar go?
Let me pass you over to Bernadetto (WG since 1993):
Dear Michael,
The seminar was deep, beautiful, heavenly...going beyond personal boundaries and so...silent. And there, only Love and Oneness remained.
Before the seminar began on Saturday at 4, the group participants were still busily chatting, moving around, and it was noisy all over. And then...boom!...'Hiroshima'.
'Something' burst with a shockwave & then immediately,
absolute stillness, eternal, expanding, extending, simply gigantic in its power.
How does THIS happen? GOD? You?
Do you toss a plasma-bubble of silence into the group room? Or do our individual fields simply explode? And then we are the stillness. It was really like a bomb.
For me, it has never been so harmonious on all levels - in the seminar, outside it, and within myself. I thank you from my heart for YOUR BEING and your effect in the world. Love
I guess it wasn't only her, as 7 out of the 8 newcomes asked for and received a Cosmic Name (the 8th already had one from another Teacher). Some of them were really new, but clearly by the end, no longer...
Zencha writes: It feels like coming home when I am with you. I am very thankful, grateful and happy.
The Q&A was called The Joy of No-Mind, which should give some indication of the themes.
So, many appreciations to Teresca for the organizing of this very welcome group and for her willing presence in many ways throughout. She took on the job absolutely whole-heartedly and will set-up and be there for a repeat in Solothurn next year. Akali came with the sound equipment and gave his assistance throughout. Mishka came and picked me up and drove me back to Freiburg where we had an Indian. Rain on the way, a smattering of snow but we dodged the Staus that are so regular along that Bern-Basle/Zurich road.
So that leaves for me in this 2017 year just the last part of Love&Beauty, and then right at the end, The Winter Festival. Between them there will be a big family Get-Together here at UNACHO, to include I hope all my 7 children, plus my grandson Aranta, and also my newly born grand-daughter Ela/Pietra born to daughter Buji just recently on 22/11...