UNACHO, 25-28/1/2018

It was a mixed group, some completely new, some occasionals, some I've not seen since quite a while, now popping up again, and, as always, some regulars.

But I know this was a really great group.

At the end people were still, silent, awake, glowing, and full of good cheer, with lots of celebration at the end when they came together, each one emerging out of his or her personal energy space that they had been contained in, through the silence.

Rama writes: I want to thank you for a completely wondrous WOSP group. Honestly I had expected a lot of difficulty in being quiet these days, but to my amazement the silence and the not talking made everything so much clearer to me. Michael, I realize that your contribution to us all is of such a magnitude that it lies beyond words. The Buddha certainly cried Halt!

A couple of days before we began I had made a visit to the dentist for an operation and other things - 5 hours there, including 2 hours of a drilling op and then other actions, so I was a bit played out, and I guess happy that this kind of group demanded less activity from me than usual. As the days went on togetherthe response of my inner world grew stronger and stronger until it was able to embrace all those present in a totally easy and natural way,and so also it became a great healing of the invasions by my recent tooth and eye operations.

Tarina writes: My time in Denzlingen brought back a lot of wonderful memories of times with you and Wild Goose friends and yet was also fresh and new. The setting was perfect for me, just what I needed. Being with my presence, with the energy, with the silence - only in the moment, totally enough.  Thank you for your presence, your work, your love.

Tetra writes: What a joy to participate in this 4 day silent retreat. I wished it could have been longer, just to bathe and dive deeper into the wonders of silence and presence, also to feel in the surroundings of your base at Unacho the shelter to calm down. It is wonderful as a guest to feel the energy in the house, the team which took care of us and to stream with the cosmic energy. Gifted days! To be silent - yes that is a miracle inside. It was not easy to sit - but sitting is it! So nice to let in your wonderful humour that is pure and refreshing, and as for the teachings and talks - Wow!

Now we have a few free days before Tiago & Abava arrive, along with all those on OPT6, for 5 days together that will bring us all lots of good things, for sure, and much delight on top.
