JULY ’13 – JULY ‘14
21 people from 11 different countries: Switzerland, Ukraine, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Austria, England, France, Germany, USA. (And only one German! Remarkable! As it all took place in that country, and it’s where I live too.)
So we were perfectly international. And yet we ended up all from one tiny village – in cosmic reality.
What did we do together throughout this long time? Well you could ask the participants and you will get lots of answers…
Or as I said to one participant, when she said, amongst other things, that she was grateful for all the things she has been shown and learnt, so she could continue with them from now on, I said to her, No need for any of that; what has happened has brought you to the light, and it has given you a new centre, and if you now live from that then everything will by itself change.
Can one trust in that?
Little Bo-Peep
Has lost her sheep
And doesn’t know where to find them.
Leave them alone
And they’ll come home
Bringing their tails behind them.
The whole Training was exceptional, a delight, every session of value. So it’s hard to pick out highlights – maybe the Rebirthing, Mishka’s water session – and the Tree Mediation this time was a knock-out for everybody and gave them all a lot, confirming much of the Teaching that had taken place over the whole Training. The last exploration was an exchange between ‘the one who had come last July’ and ‘the one who was here now at the end of the year’s Training.
On the last evening, the OPT people hosted us in X10 House, with decorations, a beautifully laid out dinner arrangement. Plus Gifts, songs and music from them to all of us, including old songs on 78’s played on an ancient gramophone, an heirloom from the grandfather of one of the participants. And the most original, ‘end of term’ group picture ever – the participants all together celebrating in the centre, and then that fiery picture surrounded by photos of, first all the feet of those taking part, and then around them, all their hands, the whole thing in great and striking colours. You can see it for yourself when you next come to UNACHO. A real cosmic celebration.
Coming back from my morning walk on the final day, passing X10 House on my way to the main House, the whole of X10 House was rocking with laughter, and that I thought was perfectly fitting to this last week of great intensity we had all spent together.
The OPT is not just an Energy Training, but very much a Personal Training. The input from Tiago, Mishka & Abava apart from everything else, is highly personal for all participants in the way each person is nourished according to their needs, and each person is revealed according to their blocks – and their secrets. That this is recognized as so already by some is confirmed by the fact that on this OPT2 we had as many aseight people who have been Wild Geese for more than twenty years!
So maybe it’s your turn next
There’s still time to join OPT3!