The sun comes up over the mountain.
A crowd of people sit on the hills
The sun bathes them.
They glow.

Then comes a whirlwind,
Spinning them all this way and that

And in the wind are the rays of the sun
Warming the cells
Laying them out
In a kind of frenzied peace

Where serenity & power & wonder knit together.

The storm passes.
They sit up bright-eyed
Look at each other
And laugh.
And laugh.

They embrace.
They feel moved to embrace
Whoever and who.

Doesn’t the situation demand that?
It’s all uniting.
With the sun
The mountains
The hills
The whirlwind
With what is there.
Who is there.

The recognition
That all is One.

Life is good.
Life is great.
I am great.
And they are all great too.

Isn’t this how it is?
How it has been from the very beginning?

The moon has opened my eyes.

When the pure moon
Falls from the sky
Leaving it clear,
The sun peers out
From behind the yellow mountains.
Stepping out
It strolls perfectly across
The empty sky.

I am the sun.
I am the hills.
I am  the moon.

And I am the one who knows it.

Those in the Enlightenment Circle.
In Universal Action House (UNACHO)
2-5 October 2014


This photo I took one afternoon some days before the EC, when Michael & me wanted to have coffee at the balcony and these two were hanging at one of our sun chairs.
The perfect pic for unity.