19-21 SEPT 2014
Extraordinary. At the Peak. In Wilderswil, surrounded by peaks. But our Peak in the room was everywhere. In every cubic cm. In all of us.
For me it was gate gate parasamgate: gone, gone, gone to the other shore…
On Saturday the sun poured down, then on Sunday morning it was the rain. But energy poured down throughout.
Full mostly of old Swiss friends, like Barusa, who was my Carer back in Swiss Auenhof days, then in Baden-Baden, and then my secretary again for a while in MANDAH, in Freiburg. Acharya who was also with us in Mandah for many months, came with his beloved lady Vandira. Also some great new people who took to the Work like ducks to water – and later joined our Merry Band. Akali came from Freiburg too to support Dana our Swiss organizer.
The food was great, the grouproom wonderful, the accommodation somewhat Spartan – the environment, magic.
And at the end, with Q&A, Love was in the air.
The Universe embraced me, I embraced everyone, so a starship we were; and there amongst the many energy sessions - a Talk: The Noble Prize – which I will play in SASH this week. From the Peak, and about the Peak, and how to get there. Recommended!
Driving home, - such storms! downpours! at times it was more like canoeing on a river than driving. Fortunately my car is almost amphibious (!) so I arrived home only 20 mins after my navigator had estimated, on setting out.
Then out with Mishka (who had also been in Switzerland, translating and assisting in her Biosynthesis school there) to celebrate with a nice hot Madras curry.
An idyllic time. An idyllic end.
Next up – The Enlightenment Circle here – source of Secrets of Enlightenment I and II, and visits for it from many old and beloved friends.
Then to Kiev, to help the Peace Process…