X-RUN 7 – first leg 4-10 August ‘14

42 willing souls – with 5 more to join next leg so 47 willing open X-Runners for this 7th Run.

For 7 days we/they – and the energy – filled our Extraordinary Space grouproom from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling – and even out into the garden. To walk in that room was to fall down – or to take wing – or to expand and expand. In order to include, to join, to add, to receive.

The breath of the gods was with us. Though it’s been a long stretch for me: OPT2, Summer Festival, OPT3, all more or less continuous, non-stop - and then this, the 7-day launch of the new X-Run; but still, in the room with these guys, I felt like Zeus.

Morning talks, most mornings, based on coming CODs, opening them up, linking them to what we do, where we’re heading, to what is and what again is.

Bathed often we were, and sometimes for quite a while too, in naked silence, thoughts flying out the window, still & silent moments turning into love, joy, and often – so I’m told! – ecstasy. A taste of life with nothing added. Raw. Original. The original life vibration? Here in our midst? And therefore timeless? And if so, eternal?

Were we being held in the fist of the gods? Were our doubts being squeezed out of us? Had we stopped wondering, wanting, planning, expecting? Were we simply there in those still silent sessions with the very source of life? And from there can we all rise, move out into the world, our flags flying high, our hearts soaring, our energy pulsating, sharing the good news?
