26. May - 31. May 2019
So it did this year - and will surely do so again.
One with the island, one with nature, with the sea,
With one another,
And with the endless cosmic life.
Last year we were there in early spring, but luckily with late spring/early summer weather; in 2019 we are there rather later, the last week of May, so we should get at least the same great weather.
Then we were 30 people, just filling the group space we had.
And the cup ran over for us all.
This year we have hired for our group activities, a grand area called Buddha Hall, big enough for a hundred, high up on a hill over the town, beautiful views, in wonderful countryside, where we will work and have our meals, but stay way below in town and on the coast, shuttling up every day to meet and celebrate our earth and cosmic lives together, like wild and willing Wild Geese.
It is a group for advanced students, intensive and deep, where we also embrace the beautiful and early spring virgin countryside and the NEW 2019 Energy that floods there in Spring, burgeoning the nature alongside ourselves as we tumble through these days together in the idyllic surroundings of this rich and great island. And this year - room for many.
Booking & Information: OneLife