A Letter to the Energy Field
Beloved Companions on the Path,
So many times in these past days, I have been asked, “How are you?” My answer was usually, I am … with all which is there … and there is deep grief, tears, despair, emptiness, stillness, a smile, a feeling of deep peace & relief, seeing & sensing a strong white light … and so often sitting in silence I can just feel Michael with me and in me …
We have had such intense weeks and months and several times I had the intention to write to you all again, but my focus and all my energies were with Michael, which felt most important to me and also just happened naturally.
Throughout that time I/we could feel the support of the Energy Field, and now is the time to thank you from the bottom of my heart – and I know from Michael’s too – for your wonderful, wonderful support through words – all these beautiful cards, mails and calls –, the tuning-in of so many, as well as your financial support. We were/are deeply grateful & touched.
Over these past months so many people came to be at this place and tune in to Michael and the space he has created here. What a fantastic, lively Sangha has been created – Michael’s teaching was lived and felt all around. This made him really happy in the midst of all his hardship. Our House Team has done such a beautiful, amazing job to welcome all the visitors. A beautiful example of living Michael’s teaching. A special thank you goes to them.
The Michael Hours have been incredibly strong with Michael present, and also when he was not.
Since Michael left his body, we had amazing days of sharing in his journey to wherever. So many people came to the house to sit in silence with his body in ‘Extraordinary Space’ surrounded by all the beautiful cards and flowers and many candles. What a peaceful, holy space was created. The Michael Hours have been equally strong.
When his body was picked up, we had a very special ceremony for just the family with the lady from the funeral home – what a tuned-in person she is – where we were playing his song – “Saturn” by "Sleeping At Last" – as we said a last goodbye, holding hands in a circle around the open coffin, all in tears, including the lady, when our hands were moving up into the air. He was so present. Then came the heart-breaking moment of closing the coffin, and the last walk for us, the family, carrying the coffin through the back door of the group room, up into the garden and through the garage to the courtyard in front of the house where the House Team and all the visitors where waiting, and the coffin was put into the hearse. Another letting go, closing the back door of the car and waving good-bye.
In the evening we had another Michael Hour which blew away many of the people present. So many told me afterwards that they could feel him moving around, working on and with them, and I felt exactly this too.
On Saturday Abechy, Buji – Michael’s oldest daughter – and I were there when his body was given to the flames. It felt strongly like all the heavy and dark energy which took over in his body and caused him so much suffering in these past months was transformed into light.
Later we had a bonfire in the UNACHO garden and did a little ceremony of our own.
We are continuing to have Michael Hour on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 19:00-20:00.
On Friday, the 29th of November, at 10:30 there will be a commemoration open to the public here in UNACHO.
Starting Friday, the 29th of November, at around 15:30, until Sunday the 1st of December, we will have a Celebration Happening for Michael, his work and his life.
Similar to “Coming Home” in October, which was such a special and deep happening for everyone who was here, we will have sessions sitting in silence, listening to Michael’s talks, getting touched by his music, doing some of his meditations, being together, and sharing.
So often Michael quoted the sentence, “Where two or three gather together in my name, there I am in their midst.”
That is exactly what we feel in every Michael Hour and often here in the house throughout the day.
So, everyone who feels drawn to join us is welcome to come and share in this celebration for Michael.
For further information & booking for either or both please contact us here at UNACHO.
It would be wonderful if you could be part of this special moment.
UNACHO will continue to welcome streamers and visitors. But please contact us as usual in advance.