Dear Friends,

Finally, I followed my inner calling to move south, landing in the beginning of March at a beautiful place in the hills between Perugia & Assisi, called ‘Terra Selvatica – Wild Earth’.

For many years it has been a dream of mine to live in a more southern country.
In October 2021, while visiting Mayadevi & Shintai at their Wild Goose & Silent Retreat center in the Assisi area, I felt a lot of resonance with the energy field there. In the course of the following year, it became clearer and clearer to me that living in Freiburg does not feel right to me now. I could not see any prospects for myself there anymore.

Since Michael went further on, the vision of creating a place, an oasis where people could come to be nourished through being in nature, diving into silence and pure beingness while receiving guidance & treatments of various kinds, became stronger and stronger. Of course, this would be very much a place where Michael’s teaching is lived, taught, and shared.

In Autumn last year I visited Shintai & Mayadevi again, and they showed me two places with the potential for such a vision to be realized. One of them was Terra Selvatica. From the first moment, stepping out of the car, standing on the land, receiving the nature and breathing in the wide open vista I felt a deep resonance inside and the feeling emerged, “Here, I could live”. A few weeks later it was certain and I took the jump. I quit the contract for my flat in Freiburg in order to be able to move to and to welcome Spring in Italy.

Living here, the place with its unspoiled nature and strong energy is touching me in the depth of my soul. There is such a feeling of rightness here.

The beautiful group room provides a wonderful space in which I would love to share what has evolved in me over the years of living with Michael, and being embedded in the work, plus what I have learned through being a mother, as well as the various trainings and teachings I have immersed myself in.
Not just with the place, but also with Patricia, there was a strong connection from the beginning. We have lived together for a month now, and it becomes ever clearer that the connection is rooted very deeply and reaches far back. There is this remembering…

Our very rich exchanges in this past month evolved into our wish to offer a retreat the week of the 4th to the 11th of June, which includes Michael’s day of Birth.

In this week we will open up a space for people to dive deeply into their inner wells.

Maybe you can hear a calling ….

It would be wonderful to be able to welcome you here at Terra Selvatica.




A Retreat in Umbria, Italy  *  4th – 11th of June 2023

In these special and turbulent times, we are called to remember who we truly are, called to remember this innate wisdom of ours. To remember our deepest Nature, our deepest being, our divinity.


If you feel this calling, come and join for a week’s retreat in Nature on the sacred land of Terra Selvatica. Walk the land, sit on the earth and feel your connectedness to all-in-one and one-in-all.

Let Nature be the mirror of your body, soul and spirit and dive into the pure mystery of your being. Just by allowing it to happen. Just by re-membering.

In a safe and held space you can explore your true being beyond identification, beyond any concept or idea you have about yourself – and beyond what you can possibly imagine. You can experience the simplicity of being as well as find new access to your life force and your uniqueness.

The format of the retreat will be a mixture of Michael's teachings and meditations, sitting in silence, feedback sessions, energy transmissions, body activation, movement, dance, and a lot of time in nature contemplating outer and inner landscapes.

On the 7th, Michael's special day, we will of course celebrate him and his life in various ways.

Not with the eyes
but with heart & soul,
look with the heart's eye and the soul's.
They seek not what the eyes see,
they find not what the eyes find,
but that which
only a heart or soul can see -
an energy full of love and celebration
at the simple fact of life itself.
Find that
and you are united
with Life itself!


In the early evening we will open our small circle here to the whole Energy Field by bringing people in through Zoom who want to join the following:

From 17:45h – 18:45h the movie Shintai created for last year’s Wild Goose Gathering in France will be shown. It is a very beautiful video which shows Michael´s working life, and how it evolved over the years.

From 19.00h – 20:00h there will be Tuning-In with meditative live music played by Shintai & Mayadevi during the second part.

The retreat will be led by Mishka and Patricia who both are actually living at Terra Selvatica.

Patricia is the owner and guardian of Terra Selvatica. Ten years ago she changed her life radically into a life in and with nature - a simple life in harmony with the earth and all her beings, honoring the Great All.
In her former profession as pre- and perinatal trauma therapist she was in contact with the very first imprints a soul encounters on its journey to this incarnation, from spirit to human, from infinity and endless vastness to form. Seemingly two worlds and yet, never separated. Innate.

Through Patricia's capacity to sense and feel finer dimensions of being she accesses information in a clear and compassionate way and helps people to find their own unique expression of life, and live their potential for the highest good for themselves and for the planet.

“To look into Mishka's eyes is in itself a remembering and a recognition. An old, old connection, from the deep beyond.”

Rates from € 670,- to € 980,- depending on the choice of room

In these rates all meals (2 per day and a little morning snack) and lodging are included. Cash bar available for beverages (other than water, coffee and tea which are included). There is a visitor’s tax of € 5,- in total

There is also the possibility to stay in your own van or tent.

Booking & further information about the retreat contact:

For more information about Terra Selvatica: