Looking back, what stands out for you, EW-wise, in this last 2015 year? Maybe your memories are better than my own, maybe too you want to let me know your highlights! Anyway I tend to leave always the past behind, but this year, not exactly!
Since 8/10 I’ve been contending with the worst pain of my life, and by far the longest lasting. You will all know something about that from my line of recent blogs.
It led to a cancellation of one of my own groups – for the first time since the Eighties, back in the Villa days, when I was hit by a kidney stone – WHAM! – but that went through the system before too long, and then the pain was of course all over. I missed a group in Wolfsberg then – Chaitanya & Varuni going in my place, at the last moment.
This time it was a seminar in Copenhagen, the weekend after the Big Hit in Prague, where I failed to arrive. Participants knew in advance, half still went, met up with Tiago, Mayadevi and others, and went on with the Wild Goose Energyfield Work, in novel ways, and had me present also – as far as possible!
Then came in quick succession, Berlin, Belgium, Switzerland and the Enlightenment Circle here.
In Berlin I was carried up and down the stairs in a sarong chariot by 3 strong men, in Belgium I was driven around by Sadhan in a wheelchair, by Switzerland time I could manage a bit to transport myself. To all these groups and places Mishka accompanied me. Accompanied me? Much more than that, she kept me alive – and working! Then came the EC which was here at home, and by then I could manage the stairs…
And with all these groups, in the working spaces, I was chairbound.
Imagine! None of those explosive rounds of energy with the participants possible! But, as I like to tell you guys often enough, ‘When one door shuts, another opens.’ And so it has, for me. For all.
They have been outstanding these last groups, with maybe the EC the pick of the bunch, the pick even of all bunches. You’ll be able to get a sniff of it because we’re turning the whole seminar into a book: 14 sessions, 14 chapters, 14 Energy Drawings. Look out for it in the NY.
As I write now, early in December, there is real improvement in the state of my body. I have found, through Astari in Berlin, a really fine body therapist, he’s famous, has worked with great stars, and he’s from Croatia. Speaks little English, so Mishka is a kind of continuous go-between.
The sessions – so far, three – are just great. Everything is involved: body, mind, heart, history, hidden energies, lost or hidden parts of the whole we are, self-responsibility for troubles that come... We have become really close, and great allies in my cure. Destiny has brought us together, he says!
So the improvement is not only in my body, but also in the relationship I have with myself.
So that Thou Art That has become also Thou Art This.
In a few days from now I’m off for 5 days with the current X-Run 7, always a big pleasure, great and close people, on top of the very fine work that happens together.
Then to finish the year off, many of us meet up for the Winter Festival, now in a new place near Wiesbaden. From what I hear it’s going to be full, with all there ready I’m sure to finish this great year like a rocket.
The current X-Run, the 7th, finishes up in April. It’s been a great run, for all 50 in it – and for me too. Now we make a pause in x-running. In its place a new course starts, in August, to be called Love & Beauty (LOBY) Over around 18 months there will be 5 five day groups, 2 here at UNACHO, 3 elsewhere. You can click to find out more about it. If you have participated in an X-Run, or an OPT, you automatically qualify, and you can immediately enlist. If you have not, then you have to apply to me, Michael, personally, as this is again a senior course, normally for regular & experienced Wild Geese, but some people are still up to it, even if that is not explicitly the case, this I well know, so…
In January (21-24) we are offering another of the popular WOSP (The Wonder of Silence & Presence) seminars. These WOSP groups offer another way to freedom –joining through essence and depth the very basic nature of things in our universe. There is a booklet available based on a past WOSP, which you can check out if you want.
The current OPT4 meets again in February, with our whole OPT team: Tiago (who is very busy – and much appreciated! - around the Energyfield these days!), Mishka (also busy – alongside me recently!) and Abava from England. Once again the OPT people seem to be deliriously happy with what takes place for them in the sessions, wonderful feedbacks, and such a close intimacy amongst them. If you haven’t yet put yourself on the list of future OPT5ers, please seriously consider doing so. It’s transforming.
Then comes Bremen, Prague and then here, the Easter Festival – always bountiful. Then Porto Venere in Italy, always joyful, the last leg of X-Run 7, then to one of my other ‘homes’, full of old friends – Berlin. Then to Copenhagen(in the town!), making up for my recent absence there, I hope. Followed by my usual commitment to the One Spirit Festival, again in the Schwarzwald. After that Mishka and I are off to the USA – again to Santa Fe where we were so well received last year, and maybe also California. On return, in June, to Austria, where part of my heart always is, followed by a new kind of group here at UNACHO: Awakening the Whole Person Within, which will be ’just as it says on the bottle’. Then Munich, before all the usual summer events and Trainings, then into August and the start of the new Course in Love & Beauty.
The whole MB schedule until October 2016 is now online on the website.
Take your picks!
Always happy to see you, to renew what passes between us, person to person (Thou Art This!) – and that which unites us, the one common & yet cosmic energy (Thou Art That!)