
Energy Happening with Michael Barnett at the One Spirit Festival 2014

This energy event with Michael Barnett took place at the One Spirit Festival in May 2014 in Karlsruhe. Everyone has an individual power system that resonates with activities, places or people; we can also resonate with that which includes all energy itself; opening up to the space which includes all energies; getting in contact with the cosmic energy; energy work; feel into the body; to be aware of the breath; to experience oneself attentively, with all that just is; what we are in the body here is not everything there is; between the bodies here, there is space; to examine [...]

2017-08-04T20:20:35+02:00May 8th, 2015|Video Library|0 Comments

In the Light of Love

Impressions of the 2012 Summer Festival featuring Michael moving under - or being moved by - that mysterious and invisible cosmic energy that is everywhere, but generally unknown and out of reach; showing how this energy communicates itself instantly to others who have joined him for his Summer Festival. "Space" from the CD "Tiago" by Surrender Cowboys - Words by Michael Barnett "In the Light of Love" with kind permission by Deva Premal & Miten Here´s a comment from Shintai about the making of this Summer Festival Review: The Summer Festival Five days of melting together - not only due to [...]

2015-02-03T09:38:48+01:00August 28th, 2012|Video Library|0 Comments

What I can bring you

An interview with Michael Barnett with scenes from a seminar. - Being at One with Life Itself I can make your spirituality real. If you come and see me then you presumably are either curious about the spiritual path or you are already on the spiritual path and then presumably you want it to be more than an idea or a hope or a possibility. So I can convert all those possiblities into something that is real and concrete and show you that it is not just an idea or a dream to fulfil yourself spiritually, but potentially anybody who [...]

2015-03-04T19:56:33+01:00October 26th, 2011|Introductory Talks, Video Library|Comments Off on What I can bring you

I don´t mind leaving my mind alone

A talk by Michael Barnett Now, to get back to my Zen quote: “If you leave the mind alone the mind will leave you alone”. Take that as an absolute truth, although it may be still just a theoretical truth for you. So let’s put it this way: your mind will rule the roost, or sit on the throne, as long as you let it. Then the question comes, “Why, would you allow this troublesome, tantalizing, ...interfering mind to sit on the throne if you have a choice?” Given that you have a hidden choice, why would you do that? [...]

2015-03-04T19:23:29+01:00May 25th, 2011|Introductory Talks, Video Library|0 Comments
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