
About OneLife

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So far OneLife has created 328 blog entries.

New Year’s Celebration in Italy

Journey to the Inner Sanctuary Dear Wild Geese – Beloved Sangha! We would like to invite you to a special Winter Event at a very special place. Terra Selvatica, near Assisi in Italy, has a powerful energy of its own, a place of strong nature and beautiful hills, a place where Heaven and Earth melt into each other. We will join together there, from 28 December to 1 January, and during those days between the years step out of time and create open space to explore and simply be in. It’s an opportunity to live as a sangha for a [...]

2023-11-30T14:39:55+01:00November 30th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Wild Goose Gathering in Austria September 2023

Wild Geese Coming Together in Austria Finding Home   Once again Wild Geese came together at the seminar centre “der Baum”; 35 altogether, some from near, some from far. Together we dived into the Work and into the many realms of Energy, experiencing again that we are all connected with each other, with everything around us, essentially being One. Living and breathing between Heaven and Earth, representing a connection between them, contributing to the cosmic play with our human heart and our love. Outside the grouproom we enjoyed the fantastic place, jumped into the pond, bathed in the warm [...]

2023-11-30T14:21:51+01:00November 30th, 2023|News|0 Comments

Remembering, A Retreat in Italy

Dear Friends, Finally, I followed my inner calling to move south, landing in the beginning of March at a beautiful place in the hills between Perugia & Assisi, called ‘Terra Selvatica – Wild Earth’. For many years it has been a dream of mine to live in a more southern country. In October 2021, while visiting Mayadevi & Shintai at their Wild Goose & Silent Retreat center in the Assisi area, I felt a lot of resonance with the energy field there. In the course of the following year, it became clearer and clearer to me that living in [...]

2023-04-15T12:00:42+02:00April 15th, 2023|News|0 Comments

The Wild Goose Gathering 26-30 June 2022

Our Wild Goose Gathering at Energy World (Le Domaine du Fan) What an amazing time we all had! Around 75* Wild Geese and friends came together at Energy World in the heart of France to (re)unite, share strong energy spaces and of course remember Michael and his Work. Many of us spent years living there or visiting regularly, and it was the centre of Michael’s work for over 4* years. The place is still vibrant and deep, and it took no time at all for us to sink into the space and reconnect with the powerful energies that are [...]

2022-08-17T16:54:47+02:00August 17th, 2022|News|0 Comments

Newsletter 10th Jan 2022

Dear Energy Field, Beloved Wild Geese, first of all we want to wish you a Happy New Year. We are delighted to announce that the Wild Goose Gathering is going ahead at Energy World this year! We will come together from the afternoon 26th to morning of 30th June. Uncertainty is the name of the game these days, and we know that every plan exists alongside some uncertainty– especially large group gatherings. Still, we are determined to go ahead – call it an act of protest against the tyranny of the times! Just imagine a flock of shiny, happy Geese all coming [...]

2022-01-10T13:02:00+01:00January 10th, 2022|News|0 Comments

Newsletter June 23rd 2021

As every blossom fades and all youth sinks into old age, so every life’s design, each flower of wisdom, attains its prime and cannot last forever. The heart must submit itself courageously to life’s call without a hint of grief, A magic dwells in each beginning, protecting us, telling us how to live. High purposed we shall traverse realm on realm, cleaving to none as to a home, the world of spirit wishes not to fetter us but raise us higher, step by step. Scarce in some safe accustomed sphere of life have we establish a house, then we grow [...]

2021-06-24T09:40:04+02:00June 24th, 2021|News|0 Comments

Newsletter, Celebration in Le Domaine du Fan

Dear Energyfield, Beloved Wild Geese, These are certainly strange times, with unseen occurrences and shifting energy-lines – we hope you’re riding the current chaos as best you can! Alterations, cancellations, postponements – the globe is awash with them. And caught up in this maelstrom of delay is of course our Wild Goose event for Michael’s birthday, originally planned for last year. While things could be said to be looking up as far as the pandemic goes, it seems unlikely that everything in Europe will be running smoothly by this summer. Or at the very least, we simply cannot predict how [...]

2021-03-17T18:25:41+01:00March 17th, 2021|News|0 Comments

Newsletter January 2021

Dear Friends, Wishing you all a blessed & luminous New Year. May what we went through in this last year work like a reset for everything, in order to bring forward new ways of thinking, feeling and acting. This will allow us to create together a world full of mutual respect, compassion and benevolence towards each living being including Mother Earth. As in nature, stillness and inner contemplation have also spread here in UNACHO. In this silent, sacred space we find light and love, which helps us to face up to these challenging times. At the same time, something has [...]

2021-02-12T17:57:06+01:00January 19th, 2021|News|0 Comments

Newsletter December 2020

Dear Fellow Travellers on the Path we are entering the darkest time of the year and are thrown on to ourselves more than ever with all the various regulations and regimentations in the different countries. So it seems even more important to keep the connection to the inner and to the eternal light. To clear our inner from fog, turmoil and fear creating a space so that the flame can burn bright and strong. Here are some words from Michael for contemplation, some inspiration and support: Just to Be All that we know or think we know about human beings [...]

2021-02-08T11:16:25+01:00December 2nd, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter November 2020

Dear Friends in the Energy Field, quite an intense & challenging time we are facing. Here is a Poem by Michael, written in the sixties: REMAINING Stay where you are, No move is for the better. Take no thought of what will come, Stay still my friend, remain. Next time you are by the side Of a stream, watch its ways, its manner of being, how it moves And yet remains. And the stars too that travel at Light year speeds, where they are They remain, To us, today. Take no steps, my friend, For they will lead away from [...]

2021-02-08T11:16:08+01:00November 5th, 2020|News|0 Comments
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