
About OneLife

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So far OneLife has created 319 blog entries.

Newsletter November 2020

Dear Friends in the Energy Field, quite an intense & challenging time we are facing. Here is a Poem by Michael, written in the sixties: REMAINING Stay where you are, No move is for the better. Take no thought of what will come, Stay still my friend, remain. Next time you are by the side Of a stream, watch its ways, its manner of being, how it moves And yet remains. And the stars too that travel at Light year speeds, where they are They remain, To us, today. Take no steps, my friend, For they will lead away from [...]

2021-02-08T11:16:08+01:00November 5th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter September 2020

Dear Friends, It seems Autumn has arrived here finally after all these months of mostly beautiful sunny weather. There are more clouds around, the temperatures drop, as do the leaves in our garden. Here in UNACHO we are now in the midst of a big clearing out, a letting go of material things which have been stored away in the basement and around the house, much of it already taken from place to place, country to country starting with the first Wild Goose community in Belsitostraße, Zürich. Tiago is here right now supporting in the decision making of what to [...]

2021-02-08T11:15:49+01:00September 26th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter July 2020

Dear Friends in the Energy Field, last week we had another leg of the current OPT8 here with us in UNACHO and we would like to share some of it with you. This year’s OPT has been challenging, to say the least, and COVID 19 brought us yet another opportunity to step out of our usual way of doing things. Not that there has ever been a usual way, but because of the way that the virus has spread, different countries are at different stages of releasing lockdown, so the latest meeting of OPT8 was partly held at UNACHO, and [...]

2021-02-08T11:15:27+01:00July 27th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter June 2020

Dear Fellow Travellers on the Path, our beautiful and deeply touching happening on the 7th of June is still very much with us all here in UNACHO. We got so many wonderful and most grateful feedback letters after the event from people all around. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Many expressed and confirmed my feeling that the energy of all present tuning-in to each other and the universal space connected us deeply on that level plus invited Michael in very strongly. Here is just a little selection of the messages we got from all over the world: [...]

2021-02-08T11:15:05+01:00June 20th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter May 2020

Beloved Friends in the Energy Field, As you have probably heard, our plans to get together at Energy World to celebrate Michael’s birthday this year have had to be postponed to next year, due to the ‘virus situation’. But of course we want to celebrate Michael’s birthday this year – his 90th! Because of the current situation we are going to hold our celebration virtually, by using the Zoom meeting application (which is free and easy to install). So, on the seventh of June, from 4 pm to 8 pm let’s all join together in celebration, remembrance and love. The [...]

2021-02-08T11:14:48+01:00May 22nd, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter April 2020

Beloved Friends, These days I find myself so often full of gratitude that we have had this wonderful gift of experiencing and practicing Michael’s transformative work over so many years and that we have got so many tools we can apply now in these challenging times. Out of that I would like to share with you today an exercise Michael was introducing during the Winter Festival in Asolo 2013/14 which I find very helpful especially now and can be practiced whenever it fits. Enjoy. The exercise is one of several which can be found in the little booklet 'The Secret [...]

2021-02-08T11:14:29+01:00April 2nd, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter March 18th 2020

Beloved Friends, Right now we are facing quite challenging times where it seems as if the world as it has been running for these past decades comes to a stop. So many rules & regulations are put up – what we should do and what should be avoided. Now is a time where we instead of fighting what is going on around us, can take shelter in the One-Space Michael has been pointing to and taken us to for so many years by tuning in to that space we have tasted & shared so many times in the seminars with him. [...]

2021-02-08T11:13:50+01:00March 18th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter March 3rd 2020

News from UNACHO   Beloved friends and students of Michael, We are happy to offer a beautiful new book, Wild Geese Zero-Returning, Journeys into the Known. The book is composed of personal stories by people who have been close to Michael, each of them answering the same question: “If you could say only one essential thing/contribution that Michael Barnett has brought into your life, what would it be?” This invitation has inspired a great variety of responses, all of them sharing a uniquely personal experience and history with Michael, describing events happening from approximately 1980 – 2019. Also the book [...]

2021-02-08T11:14:08+01:00March 4th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter February 2020

News from UNACHO Dear fellow travellers on the Path, Once again some lines to keep you in the picture about how the work has been shared here in UNACHO over the last weeks and what is planned to happen throughout the year here in UNACHO as well as in the Energy Field. We had a deep, profound & beautiful Music & Silence seminar happening here at the end of January. In these seminars we all focus together on the exploration of who and what we are through being in silence with sometimes music added. The process is asking you to [...]

2021-02-08T11:13:02+01:00February 14th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Newsletter January 2020

Letter to The Energy Field Wishing you all a joyous 2020 full of Love & Light. Here in UNACHO we had a very peaceful & harmonious Christmastime in a small circle which was wonderful to have. After these turbulent & emotional weeks and months, the stillness and peacefulness which descended was more than welcome. So, the first Christmas without Michael’s physical presence was not, as I had feared, like falling into a dark hole filled with sadness and feeling lost. Rather the opposite happened – feeling him strongly with & in me, and even more powerfully the more I could [...]

2021-02-08T11:12:39+01:00January 9th, 2020|News|0 Comments
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